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It's a terrible experiment, if the status quo is fine for everyone. But that's certainly not the case in our current system.

Many times drug trials have been stopped early because it's unethical to leave people in the control group.

When study after study shows that UBI helps people, and that the ill effects expected by some do not occur, it becomes unethical to just leave the status quo in place because "something bad might happen."

By this reasoning, no new national policy could ever be rolled out. Every new technology should be restricted.

If poor results for UBI mean we shouldn't do it, and good results for UBI mean we shouldn't do it, aren't we presupposing the outcome?

1 comment
DELETED replied to dingodog


Let me sleep on that and get back to you.

In the meantime since you brought up an external example.

Would you put UBI or universal healthcare first in a list of priorities?

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