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Baron Von J

@jon @cygnathreadbare @writeblankspace
Currently if the computer has wifi and it finds nearby networks, you have to open a command prompt and reconfigure the out-of-box-experience to not require network


@baronvonj This is insanity to be forced into these kinds of measures.

Baron Von J

@weilawei I concur. Unfortunately I'm only interested in the detachable form factor at a screen size that is comfortably usable as a tablet and run full desktop Lightroom. Which pretty much leaves me with the Surface line.

Asta [AMP] ... I'm sorry, if there's a nearby network the computer has found, Windows... requires you to use it right now? What the fuck?

Baron Von J

@aud @jon @cygnathreadbare @writeblankspace
yeah, you can't continue with the out-of-box setup without either connecting wifi and logging in an MS account or reconfiguring OOBE via command-line. It's a garbage take from a company that realizes the future of their revenue is with the subscription cloud services. so they're trying to bundle it all into the OS.

Asta [AMP] Is it like: if it finds open wifi or just any wifi?

because like, either way, that is a
problem. "I see some open wifi, just sign in there!" wuuuuuuuut

Baron Von J

@aud @jon @cygnathreadbare @writeblankspace
Actually I think it's if OOBE finds wifi hardware in the computer at all and can load a driver for it.


@baronvonj @aud @jon @cygnathreadbare @writeblankspace
k. I've got less than 1337 chars to do this...

First let me say that Vivaldi rocks on Linux.

Okay the horror story you wished you didn't have to live through:

A friend comes over after not following my advice with a brand new hundred dollar Dell laptop to replace her tech challenged (spelled, luddite) husband's old one. It's got no Ethernet port.

Some idiot (me) says I'll migrate everything over. Bad choice. It was "Windows 11 Home edition S Mode".

I started teaching the MCSE program for Microsoft in 1995. I don't allow Microsoft accounts for logins - only Local accounts.

Aside from the OOBE issues, the problem requires one to rip out the "S Mode" part AND go through the other items without ever using a temp microsoft account to do so - much more non--trivial than you think). It's very bad if you create that shell-game temp MS account and will bite your customer later if you do that.

He has a google account as an anchor for Chrome, and 99% of everything he does is either Google Earth or YouTube music VoDs.

I should have shelled out the $17 for an OEM Pro ed., but I'm stubborn. Mission accomplished - eventually.

He uses zero Microsoft apps, yet his wife bought a box that would only run them.

See happy ending in alt-txt for image


@baronvonj @aud @jon @cygnathreadbare @writeblankspace
k. I've got less than 1337 chars to do this...

First let me say that Vivaldi rocks on Linux.

Okay the horror story you wished you didn't have to live through:

A friend comes over after not following my advice with a brand new hundred dollar Dell laptop to replace her tech challenged (spelled, luddite) husband's old one. It's got no Ethernet port.


@baronvonj @jon @cygnathreadbare @writeblankspace

I used that the other day and it worked on 11 Pro. Also labored through following a batch of advice about getting rid of telemetry, disabling unwelcome services, etc. Not sure anything done outside Settings would survive the next update. Hardly seemed worth it, actually.

Baron Von J

@Corb_The_Lesser @jon @cygnathreadbare @writeblankspace
That is for sure true that some of these settings can get reverted in the big OS updates (like 1909 to 20h2 to 22h2).

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