You think too narrowly. Anarchism doesn't mean everyone decides everything, you only participate in decisions that concern yourself, or your environment.
Whether anarchy means no written laws is a subject for debate, and it also depends on what constitutes a law. I've written a paper about this myself and I also think that anarchism shouldn't have any laws (written or otherwise), only rules of thumb that can be broken when reason so dictates.
@anlomedad @graywolf
Another paper I've written discusses the role of technology in society, and argues that technology is inherently ideological, sitting on the axis of fascistic on the right end, and anarchistic on the other.
An anarchist society can get rid of a lot of the structures of authoritarian society by innovating itself towards anarchistic solutions, that are none-discrimimatory, easy to make, easy to modify, low maintenance, etc.
Solutions that don't rely on big industry