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Some people complain, some people ship change.

If a high school drop-out like me can learn how to code, what is stopping you?

Seriously though, I'm living proof that a gay, indigenous, high school dropout from redneck Alberta can defy all odds and practice to become the developer he always dreamed of.

Never stop believing in yourself ❤️

x - Chad :mstdn:

@dansup you're a fucking awesome dude, Dan. Don't ever forget it.

I, among others, look up to your amazing work.

Much solidarity.

AJ Sadauskas

@dansup You're amazing!

The Google Play beta of Pixelfed is fantastic, and I'm looking forward to Loops!

Keep up the great work!


@dansup that's amazing. congratulations on doing so well! can u share more about dropping out

1. why did u drop out?

2. did u go back to school/college later? or are u entirely self taught?


@gi124 1) I got kicked out

2) Nope, self-taught


@dansup very impressive. what motivated u? and what did you learn first.

all the information needed is freely available online. but knowing exactly what is needed takes experience or guidance

Todd Thomas :ivory_logo:

@dansup don’t forget aspiring astronaut too. Didn’t know you lived in Alberta.

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