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Devine Lu Linvega

Also, imagine having a place to work out that's basically just an empty void with hang bars. :eyes_fast:


@neauoire As a child who grew up in the early 90s watching music videos, I actually often longed to have access to a white void where I could do stuff

flaeky pancako

@neauoire yeah i have same dream, i am trying to gather the wooden beams to build like a 30ft x 30ft x 25 ft a-frame for training. cross your fingers for me ..


@neauoire ...traipsing about the deserts of Arizona dragging a giant metal pole behind me, searching for Roden Crater...


@neauoire look for calisthenics parks around here, they have a lot of outdoor ones that are nice too :eyes_fast:

Devine Lu Linvega

@ruby0x1 yeah I spotted one earlier but wow, the steel bars are COLD


@neauoire yea and they have the rings as well sometimes also brutal

Alexander Cobleigh

@neauoire @ruby0x1 iā€™m soooo looking forward to weather one can be outside in w/o gloves! fwiw: gymnastics rings tied around cold iron bars would work well for all your progressive pull up needs and be wayy less cold

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