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Asheville Charlie

I'm actually okay with this. People who advertise on social media deserve to understand they are throwing money in the wind.. but they won't LOL

Gabriel Adrian Samfira

@avlcharlie @nixCraft these are also used to spread massive amounts of disinformation and as a tool to mass report accounts that go against a certain narrative. That way they can influence elections, create public outrage and hysteria, amplify conspiracy theories of the dumbest sort and create noise to drown out reason and facts.

Asheville Charlie

@gabriel @nixCraft
Good point. Also a sad statement on gullibility I suppose..

Gabriel Adrian Samfira

@avlcharlie @nixCraft crowd psychology is a different beast. "A person is smart. People are dumb." To quote Tommy Lee Jones from Men In Black

Admiral Snackbär

@gabriel @avlcharlie @nixCraft

Question is: would the "political branch" work without the economic branch? Just the pure scale of the economic part makes this comparatively cheap. If advertisers wouldn't push billions into this industry, the costs for government actors would be much higher.

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