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@talia_christine There is some truth in that, but it’s a terrible message. No legitimate route to wealth? No value in hard work, etc?


@mark correct no way for mostly all of us to be rich. Hard work is cool and all. But I have leared to work hard on my home and family. Then the job gets whatever is leftover. Im tired of working hard to make someone richer while I struggle. SELF-PRESERVATION woot woot!


@mark @talia_christine It is not a terrible message. Forget wealth and live the life you've got. It's all you'll ever have. Don't give it to somebody else (unless they are going to reciprocate the sentiment).


@khleedril @talia_christine The flipside of that message is that hard work, gumption and a can-do attitude gets you nowhere, so don’t bother. And if you see somebody with wealth, well they basically stole it or it was given to them. So you can’t do anything. You have no agency. All you can expect from this life is despairing memes.

So yeah, not a message for your kids once you get past the surface level interpretation of “billionaires are bad”.


Agreed. If you’re in the west, you are privileged, and are richer than most. Equally, if you are in the west, refuse to aspire to make anything of your life because you believe the system is against you, you’ve squandered what billions on this planet could only dream of.

Cyber Yuki

@mark @talia_christine Ask the Amazon warehouse employees how much value they've gained thanks to their hard work.

Andii אַנדִֽי

@yuki2501 @mark @talia_christine
May be more effective to put hard work into union organising ...

Raff Karva

@mark @talia_christine

Do you really think that a billionaire works 33386 more hours per day than someone on £30k?

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