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remote procedure chris

@thomasfuchs their platforms feel so stunted by their own decisions, especially mobile. like ipads alone have long outgrown "just a big iphone" in terms of hardware yet i can't find any utility in them at all. i have a mini and every good thing about it is something it -almost- does as well as a desktop computer, but with enough grit and fuss that it's never the correct device to use. and like, i love ultraportable computers, ipads should be my favorite devices ever

Thomas šŸ”­āœØ

@chrisisgr8 yeah I donā€™t mind super much on the phone (tho would def like to e.g. be able to have some emulators) but on the iPad it feels like using something thatā€™s deliberately mangled.

They should have have done a ā€œflee aheadā€ several years ago and open up the platforms on their own terms while they still could


@chrisisgr8 @thomasfuchs the only use Iā€™ve ever found for an iPad is for keeping my kids entertained when we travel. Otherwise Iā€™ll use my phone or my laptop.

Nick Gorski

@chrisisgr8 @thomasfuchs Just give me MacOS on an Ipad! Thatā€™s all I want!


@chrisisgr8 @thomasfuchs the only use I've found where I wouldn't rather use my phone or notebook is illustration. The Apple Pen on an iPad is a decent experience for some kinds of graphic design work. (It's not unique to the iPad - friends use MS Surface, and one even runs Linux on his, although the pen driver is a little laggy).

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