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The Doctor

@TidalFlats I don't think it would matter. He'd apologize in public, a bunch of holy rollers would stand around him with their hands on his head and their heads bowed, and then everybody would forget about it.

C.W. Williams

Yeah, you're probably right. Would be fun to watch though.


@TidalFlats @drwho

"I don't know if I'd call myself a collector. Wait, who did you say you were?"


@AlterNewt @TidalFlats @drwho well, hey, let the dildo collectors among us who aren’t healthcare disasters cast the first stone!

The Doctor

@glasspusher @AlterNewt @TidalFlats I think being a healthcare disaster is a pre-req sometimes.


@drwho @AlterNewt @TidalFlats

I prefer to self-identify as a health care “opportunity”

The Doctor

@glasspusher @AlterNewt @TidalFlats The paramedics that scraped my shell up off the pavement came to my high school graduation. I getcha.

C.W. Williams

@AlterNewt @drwho
"I prefer 'Priapic Recreational Appliance Enthusiast', actually."

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