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Eugen Rochko

We've rolled out a new feature on You now have access to notification settings and can decide who you want to get notifications from. Everyone else will be put into notification requests you can peruse separately. There's a fresh coat of paint as well!

KnuppelBeer 🐻

@Gargron bug: favorites number is shown twice

(added screenshot in case it's a language thing, my interface is in Dutch)


@Gargron The shared and favorites indicator looks a little misaligned. Otherwise: Looks good!

Jason Friedrich

@Gargron Will that notification setting later be included in the general release? That feature sounds awesome!

Alexander Zeitler

@Gargron I like the new light theme. It feels much cleaner.


@Gargron the sidebar takes up too much space. The posts are too small.

Play Ball!!! cafechatnoir

I'm on web mobile - was losing the separation of different types of notifications intentional? I just have All/Mentions now.

Eugen Rochko

@cafechatnoir Yes. There are too many different notification types nowadays for that level of granularity to make sense, and All / Mentions covers the most important and common uses.

Deadly Headshot

As long as the API doesn't change so mobile apps can still have granularity, that's fine.

Eugen Rochko

@thisismissem In my experience that page is not very well known, and right above where notifications are should be more discoverable.

Emelia 👸🏻

@Gargron yeah, it may make sense to add some copy to that page that says “you can find more notification settings by clicking the <cog icon> at the top of the notifications page”

Or perhaps renaming that page to “Email Notifications” or “Email Settings”, since that's what it is, iirc.

Eugen Rochko

@thisismissem Sure, "e-mail preferences" would make sense.

Emelia 👸🏻

@Gargron would certainly remove a source of confusion with people looking for “notification settings" in the preferences page.


Agreed, renaming that settings page would be helpful. I do like the new settings and having them be directly on the notifications page makes sense!

@thisismissem @Gargron

[ツ] Unbelievable News Today


Thank you Emelia ☘️ for this hint, I thought something was missing.


Jef Poskanzer :batman:

@Gargron I'm getting a blank page and this in the browser log: Uncaught TypeError: Object.hasOwn is not a function focal_point_modal.jsx:328:132


@Gargron Really digging the new dark theme as I see it on the deck interface. :)

David Schmidt

@Gargron Additionally to light/dark, I'd prefer a "system default" setting that respects the setting of the OS. I change between light/dark during day and night time. Would be neat if Mastodon adapted automagically, like other pages do.


@Gargron Can you guys keep the smaller screens in mind when developing the web user interface?

I already can’t enter an alt-text (OK button off the bottom of the screen and can’t scroll or zoom it back on) and now the mute-dialogue has gotten the same treatment… 😠

I would like to actually use the user interface. #please

Eugen Rochko

@fubaroque What screen size and what device do you have?


@Gargron I wouldn’t mind having to scroll (for it is a small screen), but these new dialogues don’t allow that.

David Schmidt

@Gargron I like that glow at the top of the column for new content. That wasn't there before, was it?


@Gargron sounds amazing, thanks for the detail!

Stefan :veritrek:

@Gargron this is a nice idea. Reminds me on screener feature 👍

Deadly Headshot

The first bit sounds good, the second (the UI change) sounds ominous. I'll reserve judgement until I get to a PC though...



Being able to mute or filter posts that exceed 500 characters would be great.

Search is not good because it returns too many dissertations.

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