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@inquiline there's a lot to think through, and I certainly enjoy thinking things through with you, so it's my pleasure!

On the hashtag activism aspects, the way I look at it is that you have to vary your tactics based on the functionality and norms of the underlying platform(s). I remember Flowers talking about how you couldn't do BLM or MeToo on Mastodon, and lossy distribution was one of several although he didn't use the term ...


@inquiline It's not like it's an impossible barrier to overcome, but the lossy distribution is a damping function for getting the word out and the different views of the discussion makes using the platform for organizing much more challenging. I'm sure it wasn't intentionally designed to dampen reach but it certainly has that effect. But, it is what it is. Relays can give a cluster of instances non-lossy distribution, but for the full AcivityPub-based network it's inevitably lossy

Can-crisociality 🦀〰️🥫

>> you have to vary your tactics based on the functionality and norms of the underlying platform(s)

Yeah, that's exactly right. Due to space and how in the weeds this is, I didn't really have the ability to further explore how users can have totally different views on convos here--could be its own paper or a few--but it's so impt. I'm not sure if that's the underlying reason for breakdowns, but it sure doesn't *help*

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