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Can-crisociality πŸ¦€γ€°οΈπŸ₯«

Friends, strangers, haters: I have... made hay. Let no one say I haven't committed to the bit.

(Wrote a paper about Asstodon, everyone be kind)

#STS #Mastodon #Commodon #autoethnography #DareIUseTheHashtag #Donkeygate #FirstMonday

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Josh Braun

@inquiline So glad to see this in print! Will definitely be citing it.

Erin Kissane

@inquiline This is delightful, looking forward to a more-than-cursory reading

Can-crisociality πŸ¦€γ€°οΈπŸ₯«

"The protesters - believed to all be a group of teachers - were blocking the Pan-American Highway that links Panama to the rest of Central America."


@inquiline (Opposition to the mine has united environmentalists, indigenous groups and teachers’ and construction unions who see allegations of backroom dealings between the government and the mining company as further evidence of widespread official corruption.)

Can-crisociality πŸ¦€γ€°οΈπŸ₯«

🌊 🦦 Story on a surfing #otter on the California coast who needs to be captured & brought to live in captivity:

If anyone is interested in the longer arc of sea otters on this coastline, here's an excerpt from #OilBeach on the otter conservation program further south (coordinated with central California conservation work):

🌊 🦦 Story on a surfing #otter on the California coast who needs to be captured & brought to live in captivity:

If anyone is interested in the longer arc of sea otters on this coastline, here's an excerpt from #OilBeach on the otter conservation program further south (coordinated with central California conservation work):

Can-crisociality πŸ¦€γ€°οΈπŸ₯«

Have been preoccupied so haven't done an #Asstodon post in a little while. Rectifying! #BeTheAlgorithm

Can-crisociality πŸ¦€γ€°οΈπŸ₯«

OIL BEACH is officially out today!! New πŸ“™ by me about the recent history, present, & future of Los Angeles, global capitalism, wildlife conservation, & energy. Gonna thank a few folks in this 🧡, first up is @UChicagoPress & my simply wonderful editor there @josephcalamia

(Pls untag groups if you reply to this post so we don't spam them!)

@sts @geography #EnvHist #Energy #Capitalism @ecologies #NewBooks #Nature #STS #Commodon @communicationscholars #ClimateChange

OIL BEACH is officially out today!! New πŸ“™ by me about the recent history, present, & future of Los Angeles, global capitalism, wildlife conservation, & energy. Gonna thank a few folks in this 🧡, first up is @UChicagoPress & my simply wonderful editor there @josephcalamia

(Pls untag groups if you reply to this post so we don't spam them!)

Can-crisociality πŸ¦€γ€°οΈπŸ₯«

But first, what's this strange little book about? Oil Beach takes the past half-century in the Los Angeles harbor as a prompt to think about the recent past, present, & future of climate, biodiversity, & energy here & elsewhere. San Pedro Bay is of global significance for its seaport that handles a HUGE volume of container shipping as well as petroleum transshipment. I.e. even if California or the US got off *consuming* fossil fuel, this site is still implicated in its lethal trade.

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