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Sumana Harihareswara

@jessamyn it's been fascinating reading this thread and cataloguing the many different reasons people perceive as major factors or The Reason why WordPress won and Movable Type lost. Byrne Reese's post on that question mentions an acquisition/hiring decision that backfired, which is a piece of lore that stuck with me.



@brainwane @jalefkowit Oh wow I remember a lot of those parts too, thanks for the link.

Dr. Matt Lee

@jessamyn @brainwane @jalefkowit I was there at the time and for me a big factor in WordPress taking off was when a number of folks like Mark Pilgrim publicly acknowledged WordPress.

FWIW. Movable Type did eventually release a version or two under GPL but their bug tracker was Fogbugz and so they couldn’t or wouldn’t just give everyone a license to use it.

I wished at the time I knew more Perl and that Open Melody had taken off. MT was so slick and I still long for something like it.

Joe Crawford

@mattl @jessamyn @brainwane @jalefkowit December 2007 was when Movable Type went GPL. I had already moved to WordPress from Blogger by that point. WordPress powers a lot of websites (a plurality?) but there are still Movable Type and many other choices for blogs, and certainly for making websites. Win/Loss is one framing, but ideally you have tools that are great. TextPattern, for example turned 20 the other day. It's a great big wonderful web!

@mattl @jessamyn @brainwane @jalefkowit December 2007 was when Movable Type went GPL. I had already moved to WordPress from Blogger by that point. WordPress powers a lot of websites (a plurality?) but there are still Movable Type and many other choices for blogs, and certainly for making websites. Win/Loss is one framing, but ideally you have tools that are great. TextPattern, for example turned 20 the other day.

Dr. Matt Lee

@artlung @jessamyn @brainwane @jalefkowit sadly MT went back to the proprietary only license, I think around the time Six Apart was sold?

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