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@brainwane @jalefkowit Oh wow I remember a lot of those parts too, thanks for the link.

Dr. Matt Lee

@jessamyn @brainwane @jalefkowit I was there at the time and for me a big factor in WordPress taking off was when a number of folks like Mark Pilgrim publicly acknowledged WordPress.

FWIW. Movable Type did eventually release a version or two under GPL but their bug tracker was Fogbugz and so they couldn’t or wouldn’t just give everyone a license to use it.

I wished at the time I knew more Perl and that Open Melody had taken off. MT was so slick and I still long for something like it.

Joe Crawford

@mattl @jessamyn @brainwane @jalefkowit December 2007 was when Movable Type went GPL. I had already moved to WordPress from Blogger by that point. WordPress powers a lot of websites (a plurality?) but there are still Movable Type and many other choices for blogs, and certainly for making websites. Win/Loss is one framing, but ideally you have tools that are great. TextPattern, for example turned 20 the other day. It's a great big wonderful web!

@mattl @jessamyn @brainwane @jalefkowit December 2007 was when Movable Type went GPL. I had already moved to WordPress from Blogger by that point. WordPress powers a lot of websites (a plurality?) but there are still Movable Type and many other choices for blogs, and certainly for making websites. Win/Loss is one framing, but ideally you have tools that are great. TextPattern, for example turned 20 the other day.

Dr. Matt Lee

@artlung @jessamyn @brainwane @jalefkowit sadly MT went back to the proprietary only license, I think around the time Six Apart was sold?

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