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As I work on the @pixelfed admin settings refactor, I'm realizing how many config settings there are, not to mention how nice it is to be able to update a setting and for it to take immediate effect without having to run commands or restart horizon/php.

I should have done this a long time ago.

:pixelfed: Admins: Manage Settings with Instant Updates + Zero Downtime.

Forget the .env and cli, soon you can manage most settings via the admin dashboard!

Shipping Soon!

#pixelfed #adminDashboard

🌈 BarbaPulpe πŸ˜‡ α΄Ήα΅ƒΛ’α΅—α΅’α΅ˆα΅’βΏ

@dansup @pixelfed

A higher priority for me is localization: any way we can help in templating and avoiding to have to edit PHP source code to translate all texts? And fear of redoing some of the job when updating.


@dansup @pixelfed will you be managing the s3 setting from dashboard as well?

Toran Shaw

@dansup I was wondering if there was anyone providing managed @pixelfed hosting yet?


@toran @pixelfed I'm working on this, I think most people would prefer an official service that is operated by main developer (me).

That being said, I'm aware of a few providers, I'm not familiar enough to recommend them so keep that in mind:

Toran Shaw

@dansup @pixelfed that's good to know that you're developing a service. πŸ™‚

Ta for the links, I'll check them out. πŸ‘

I'd love to have my own instance, in the future, but am not currently tech-savvy enough to mess about with setting one up!

Jonas Geiler

@dansup @pixelfed I hope there will at least be an audit log for settings changes when you can't rely on git-backed version control of the settings anymore


@jonasgeiler @pixelfed the .env isn’t versioned, what’s the difference in changing .env vs on the web?

Jonas Geiler

@dansup @pixelfed I'm not talking about .env files in particular, but about environment variables in general which might also come from docker compose files or kubernetes configuration files, which are most likely git-backed and can define environment variables

But don't worry about what I'm saying - not really experienced in building something big like Pixelfed πŸ˜… Although an audit log would still be appreciated, especially when you have multiple admins πŸ™πŸΌ


@jonasgeiler @pixelfed Oh I see, in terms of env variables, you will have the ability to disable the dashboard settings and just use docker or laravel .env variables.

We do have an Admin audit log, and I can extend it to the settings, but they would only track changes made via the web dashboard.

It would be too complicated to version .env changes.


"shipping soon" a new Meme is born. 😁
@pixelfed @oliver


@kranzkrone @pixelfed @oliver It would have been shipped a few days ago, however, I wanted to add some additional configuration settings like S3/Spaces to make it really easy to manage your instance.

I think it will be worth the wait πŸ˜‰

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