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@grishka Oh right, of course. When your family is hot you request authorities to allow protest. got it. and if they reject - you oblige. Of course.

Григорий Клюшников

ruff, you aren't making any sense. Please answer this simple question: how exactly a piece of malware unleashed upon innocent people is an act of protest?


@grishka @Gargron Innocent people will say - "shit happens" and learn the lesson (not to use npm). If there's a slim chance it can compromise a single nut in a russian war machine it's already a good win.


@grishka @Gargron And by good win I mean not moral satisfaction of some jerk but potentially saved lives.

Григорий Клюшников

ruff, it's a fun assumption that Russian military uses computers at all.

> "shit happens" and learn the lesson (not to use npm)
This isn't how this works.

івась тарасик

russian military uses money that russian government gets from taxes that «simple innocent» russians pay when buying and using computers. also, i'm like 99,99% sure every army today does use computers.

i'm not defending the nmp maintainer here... just pointing out that the rather manipulative game of looking for holes in one's logic you're playing here can be turned both ways.

@ruff @Gargron


@Gargron @grishka I was waiting when it will come to this - to compare your buttheart from malware with killing people. Good luck with that.

Alexey Skobkin

@ruff @grishka @Gargron

Something is really messed up in your head 🤦‍♂️

I hope that it's only a side-effect of emotions and not your everyday thinking process.

Alexey Skobkin

@ruff @grishka

Let's say your family was shot by some African American. Now you're going to set a bunch of African American houses on fire because some of them MAY be SOMEHOW related to that.

Sounds like a solid plan, yeah?


@skobkin @grishka let say you are trying to persuade me they you are innocent to doge criminal responsibilities your president. Because presumably you personally don't pull the trigger.
Sounds totally pathetic, indeed.

Григорий Клюшников

ruff, this isn't "my" president. I didn't elect him. I'm as ashamed of him as everyone else but there's nothing I personally can do to help this situation.

Alexey Skobkin

@ruff @grishka
Oh, so now you're trying to use ad hominem to avoid the problem I just pointed out in your discourse?

I mean this would probably work on general public, but looks like we have people who are able to think critically in this thread.

I hope that someday you'll understand that this is the way to fool yourself and not to "defeat" your "opponent".


@skobkin @grishka Oh so you insist on derailing the topic by injecting false narrative. So my only remaining words to you - русский долбойоб - иди нахуй.

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