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Randahl Fink

This year, Russia has already

— threatened to use nuclear weapons against the west
— put the Estonian Prime Minister on their most wanted list
— gunned down a Russian defector who was living in Spain
— wiretapped the German airforce

Politicians may claim we are not at war with Russia, but clearly Russia is at war with us.

Brudi Bräu

@randahl "Wiretapped" as in "dialed into their webex unnoticed"...


Randahl Fink

@brudibrau perhaps. But we do not really know at this point.

Brudi Bräu

@randahl In the army that uses painted broomsticks instead of guns on its tanks I wouldn't be surprised...


Yes, yes and yes.
The threat to Macron was revealing and chilling: if you put troops on the ground in Ukraine, it'll go nuclear.

So he can apply that to anything:
If i invade Moldova/ Lithuania/ Estonia/ Finnland/ Poland/ EU and you do anything to stop me, I'll go nuclear.

Jonathan Carreño

@Godfrey642 @randahl France has nukes too, it wouldn't hurt to remind them. A couple of nuclear tests maybe.


@jocarren @randahl
Starting tit4tat with Putin is a fools war. Needs to be a different way.

Yulia Navalnaya in her speech to EU spoke about (1) breaking his mafia hold and (2) hitting his cronies who hold and hide Russian dirty money in other countries' financial systems.

Putin can only get away with what he's doing bc of his wealth plus the inadequacies of the sanctions that clearly aren't working.

#putin #navalny #yulianavalnaya #UkraineRussiaWar #ukraine

@jocarren @randahl
Starting tit4tat with Putin is a fools war. Needs to be a different way.

Yulia Navalnaya in her speech to EU spoke about (1) breaking his mafia hold and (2) hitting his cronies who hold and hide Russian dirty money in other countries' financial systems.

Putin can only get away with what he's doing bc of his wealth plus the inadequacies of the sanctions that clearly aren't working.

Randahl Fink

@Godfrey642 "and now please let me have the Élysée Palace for my summer holiday… or I will go nuclear."


@randahl hahahaha very good Mr F
Let's hope it stays a joke..

Jasper 🍉

@randahl i don't care.

If we can't stand human rights so basic as literally not using machinegun and cannonfire on a crowd, there is nothing to defend here.

Randahl Fink

@jasper that is what The Hague is for. There is a reason both Putin and Israel is in trouble.

Gillian Durkin

@randahl @jasper The wheels of justice are moving too slow on that count.

Viking Chieftain


I had the first three ones on my bingo card. But eavesdropping on an open Webex call wasn't something you'd expect in this day and age. But I guess security awareness isn't as widespread as it should be.

yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

"Politicians may claim we are not at war with Russia, but clearly Russia is at war with us."

@randahl 🛎️ 🛎️ 🛎️

Nonya Bidniss 🥥🌴

@randahl In 2016 I started saying that Russia was at war with the U.S. and explaining that war today doesn't always mean bombs and guns. People thought I was being hyperbolic, but it's 8 years later and Russia's been at war with us this entire time. Based on the ever-expanding insider threat we have (i.e., Republicans), it's doing very well.


@Nonya_Bidniss @randahl we are so wrapped up in over protecting hate speech and purposeful disinformation that we are basically firing the weapons for Russia and other fascist oligarchs



WE INVADED IRAQ for no good reason
etc etc x 1,000


We are at war! Stop trading with Russia FFS!! Stop letting Russians into our countries.

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