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Julien Barnoin

Even just focusing on the GPU we have:
- CUDA supporting only NVIDIA and no graphics shaders.
- OpenCL is multi-platform but no graphics shaders and pretty much dead anyway?
- Metal (MSL) is Apple-only.
- GLSL on Vulkan is viable but clearly in maintenance-only mode and no longer evolving.
- HLSL works and is being worked on, but is controlled by Microsoft and not a standard.
- WebGPU (WGSL) might be an option for native applications at some point, but not yet.

Anything else?

Julien Barnoin

Regardless, none of these address natively compiling to the CPU.
There's promising things like VCC but it seems too early and risky to base a project on it for now.

My use case is a raymarching based game engine, where the content is defined in terms of functions representing an SDF.
I want to be able to use these SDF-defining functions and their associated data in CPU and GPU compute for physics and gameplay, and on GPU graphics for rendering.

Doug Binks


- SYCL has potential, but it's not there yet, especially on Windows.
- ISPC on CPU is excellent, but although a test project showed SPIR-V to ISPC was workable for targetting CPU and GPU with the same code, it's not a supported feature. I also don't know if ISPC has a healthy future.

Jari Komppa 🇫🇮

@dougbinks @julienbarnoin
Plus rocm if you want amd only, and oneapi if you want intel only.. both claim to be open but well, while controlled by a single company, not really.

Julien Barnoin

So far my kludgy solution is a mix of C and GLSL, where I can share some header files across the languages for common data structures, with some severe restrictions and terribly ugly macros. I can't share any code, I have to copy and adapt it, so my SDF has to stay in GLSL-land only.

I can actually run my GLSL code on the CPU thanks to llvmpipe, which is cool. But:
- I can't rely on it being available
- I can't debug it with standard tools
- GLSL is very restrictive for general programming

Andrzej Lichnerowicz

@julienbarnoin scopes? - I really wanted to give it a try. If I were more into graphics or gamedev I probably would. Everything @lritter posts about it makes me go „wow”. I just found the entry barrier too steep with its sparse documentation. But for someone more committed I think it might be great :)

Fabian Wahlster

@julienbarnoin Ignoring HLSL/PSSL makes targeting consoles quite hard though and glslang compiler has a HLSL frontend nowadays. Having a standard is nice, but slows things down sometimes. Vcc sounds interesting, it's on my list to try next to circle-lang with SPIR-V target. Slang innovates but is not very portable either. The situation now is much better than just a few years ago. But all major game engines still heavily rely on tons of macros, transpilers, spirv-cross etc.

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