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Julien Barnoin

Regardless, none of these address natively compiling to the CPU.
There's promising things like VCC but it seems too early and risky to base a project on it for now.

My use case is a raymarching based game engine, where the content is defined in terms of functions representing an SDF.
I want to be able to use these SDF-defining functions and their associated data in CPU and GPU compute for physics and gameplay, and on GPU graphics for rendering.

Doug Binks


- SYCL has potential, but it's not there yet, especially on Windows.
- ISPC on CPU is excellent, but although a test project showed SPIR-V to ISPC was workable for targetting CPU and GPU with the same code, it's not a supported feature. I also don't know if ISPC has a healthy future.

Jari Komppa 🇫🇮

@dougbinks @julienbarnoin
Plus rocm if you want amd only, and oneapi if you want intel only.. both claim to be open but well, while controlled by a single company, not really.

Julien Barnoin

So far my kludgy solution is a mix of C and GLSL, where I can share some header files across the languages for common data structures, with some severe restrictions and terribly ugly macros. I can't share any code, I have to copy and adapt it, so my SDF has to stay in GLSL-land only.

I can actually run my GLSL code on the CPU thanks to llvmpipe, which is cool. But:
- I can't rely on it being available
- I can't debug it with standard tools
- GLSL is very restrictive for general programming

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