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nixCraft 🐧

😂 Elon Musk just crawled from under a rock and discovered something that has been bothering people for years. It is just too funny not to share this one.

Collei :verified:

thought I was gonna see a linux reccomendation next..

Hugh Ferguson

@kohelet @nixCraft well, I was going to promote Pop!OS which is my escape hatch from the world of windows....

Pascal Leinert

@nixCraft Don't you need some kind of Tesla account to use your fucking car?

Rich Felker

@nixCraft Quick everybody quiet. Nobody tell him about taskkill /F /IM oobenetworkconnectionflow.exe

IT-Frettchen 🚲

@nixCraft You can always reply something bla bla and end the text with: btw, i use archlinux. 🤣🤣🤣

ITX Mike

@nixCraft You think one of the richest tech bros in the world would know the magic of email account 😂

ROTOPE~1 :yell:

@nixCraft huh, wow, the OOBE doesn't have an "I am too rich and powerful to have to put up with this" option?


@nixCraft Literally only got as far as `skip mi` in a Google search bar before the first recommendation was `skip microsoft account windows 11` which has a bunch of functional guides to doing exactly what it says on the tin. Good grief. This guy has more money than is ethical or reasonable largely from Internet businesses and he can't figure out how to solve his own problems with a quick Internet search. What a fucking tool.

Lionel 🦊

@DarthYoshiBoy @nixCraft he's a tool yes but no one should have to lookup how to remove Spyware from their os.


@lionel @nixCraft Nobody should have to feel pain or suffer, but that's the world we live in and you can either bitch about it or start looking for solutions. It's somewhat telling on the human condition that this stupidly wealthy idiot who should want for nothing chooses the former rather than the latter.


Unlike buying a Tesla. Their employees would never make non- consensual videos of you in your car and laugh at you on their corporate network.

Space Catitude 🚀


I don't use Microsoft or Tesla products, myself, but don't Teslas also have an assortment of DRM, "phone home", surveillance, and network control anti-features?

Seems to be a degree of low self-awareness going on here? 🤔


@nixCraft Mcroof sit - there should be an h in there

Internet Rando

@nixCraft finally, someone I *don't* want to switch to Linux.


@nixCraft You can usually skip creating the m$ account if you don't connect the computer to the internet

Aaron A Brown 🌱

@aviana @nixCraft not anymore on most windows 11 installs. You have to hit shift F10 to get a command window and run OOBE\BYPASSNRO which reboots it and then it gives you the i dont have internet option if you didnt to wire or wifi that lets you make a local account. Unless you have some editions.


@engarneering @nixCraft Yeah, that's what I meant by "usually". A friend taught me this at least 15 years ago: always pull the internet cable when installing Windows


@nixCraft I think this will change the minds of Microsofts management, as all they ever did was done with the intention of being cool

Tyler K. Nothing

@nixCraft WUUUUT!!! I'm shocked that Capitalist Kleptocrats would be forcing us to give them our data!! What would we ever do without Stable Geniuses like Felon Muskrat?!!??

rail :neofox_flag_nb: 🌿

@nixCraft it's also funny because his company does the very same thing with loginwalling access to the service (except you don't "need" to pay for it upfront)

clacke: looking for something 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛

👆 Late stage capitalist discovers late stage capitalism. It's almost too funny, but it's true. Source:…


@nixCraft Are you trolling us? Is Elon trolling us?

Like where has that dude been. I know he used to write code..... So..... what the delio?

janusfox 🍅

@nixCraft Irony is not dead.

Also, I guess he's too much of a genius to perform a quick 15 second internet search to find the commonly available solution to this issue...

Maartje :omya_sncb:

@nixCraft wish i could read a tweet without having to sign up…. Oh wait

nixCraft 🐧

@Soxxxe He mostly uses Apple products and has mentioned Linux a few times, but he may needs to use some accounting or some crap software that only runs on Windows. So, he bought a Dell or something from Amazon laptop section, hoping for a quick setup. He wants to keep his data private on that laptop, but Microsoft has other ideas, including AI that is forced on everyone. So now he set Microsoft on fire. Just too funny

Diane 🕵

@Soxxxe @Nixcraft

My guess was someone else set the previous machines up for him.

Rob Chapman :ohai: ✍🏼🐧

@nixCraft sone genius... can't even search the internet and follow one of the numerous sites carrying the solution.


@nixCraft dont tell him that you can still install older build or w10 and update...

Simon Zerafa :donor: :verified:


There is currently a way to bypass the requirement for an MS account but MS doesn't publicise it for obvious reasons 🙂🤷‍♂️


@nixCraft He also apparently doesn't have a clue how to use Google to type the 10 or so magic letters to make it all okay.

:bun: Stellar 🇫🇷 this dumbass doesn't know the unplug-ethernet reboot to cmd prompt enter commands then reboot again trick

Simon Walters

@nixCraft Even a broken clock is right twice a day :)

Christoffer Talleraas

@nixCraft one of the few times I'll agree with Elon 😅


@nixCraft lol, meanwhile you can't see tweets without a twitter account, and they also use those tweets for AI
Hypocritical, as usual for Musk

Gracjan Nowak

@nixCraft Maybe he was just using Arch on his previous PC? 🤔


@nixCraft after that i thought of doing that sin of reactivating my banned account to just comment on his xeet

マーティン・ステンツェル。 ケルン在住。

@nixCraft One option would be to block all traffic from/to Microsoft
But it obviously gets more difficult if MS outsources their business, and different servers come into play...

Poppy (Back from tha dead) :neofox_flag_trans:

> Musk complains you can't use a Windows PC without an online acc
Can't browse Twitter without an acc

Hypocrisy 💯

Q. Edwards

@nixCraft Lol... Ladies and gentleman, the award for least awareness of self goes to... *drum roll*... Elon "Emerald Mine" Musk!!! C'mon down Elon!

Jordi (Vascular Ensemble)


The guy who wants to put a chip in everyone's brains has a problem with privacy infringement?


Deka Black

@nixCraft There's no big enough facepalm in all the multiverse to react to this.

@nixCraft also, Elon make account mandatory to viewer content liké a shared tweet 🙃

@nixCraft A friend of mine sent me a twitter thread and it won't let me read it unless I create a Twitter account, which also means giving them my private informations! This is messed up.

There used to be an option to skip signing into or creating a Twitter account.

Are you seeing this too?

John Livingston

Funny... Since he has bought Twitter, we can't read tweets without creating an account... That's also messed up...


@nixCraft when i think i have no answer in lack of context i do a domain query on reddit for the last year.someone already solved the problem.
so musk is basically too stupid to search for advice?stable genius.


How does anyone still think this guy's some sort of genius?

Adam Dalliance


Just got linked to a tweet-thread and it won't let me read it unless I create a twitter account, which also means giving their AI access to my tweets! This is message up.

There used to be a way to read tweet threads without signing into or creating a twitter account.

Are you seeing this too?

This is not cool Twitter.


@nixCraft: something something leopards ate my face


By next year, Elon will have bought Microsoft and within three renamed it to XS and run it into the ground.

Which means we only have to wait 4-5 years before the "year of the Linux desktop"!

Steve's Place

He's really paranoid for a guy whose employees spy on customers with the cameras mounted in & on the cars he sells.

He'd like Linux Mint Cinnamon.

He should hire me to be his CTO. I've educated college students. How hard could it be?

"OMG! What did you do?"

"Someone on X told me to try rm -r / as root."

"We'll have your backup runn..."


"No, sir. Just Ed here. He's from Vermont."

"Does he know Bernie?"

"Contrary to X rumors, they don't all know each other." 🙄

He's really paranoid for a guy whose employees spy on customers with the cameras mounted in & on the cars he sells.

He'd like Linux Mint Cinnamon.

He should hire me to be his CTO. I've educated college students. How hard could it be?

"OMG! What did you do?"

"Someone on X told me to try rm -r / as root."


@nixCraft I'm so sorry for raw from flapping so much over there on . Someone get him some or to sooth his pain!


Oh I hope he buys microsoft! The year of the linux desktop!


Probably never bought the laptop, just heard someone else say it ans thought that would be good to tweet, everyone will have something to say, driver traffic on twitsville and I will get reported in the media, so it looks like twitsville is still relevant

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