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Eniko Fox

"elon destroyed twitter", come to fedi

"reddit CEO sold out reddit communities", come to fedi

"tumblr CEO is heading transphobic harassment campaign", come to fedi

idk man i just feel like shit like this is gonna keep happening. and shit will go down on fedi too. difference is on fedi you can move when some little tyrant gets their head too far stuck up their own ass


@vozercozer @eniko CEO started going on a transphobic rant and stuff, I don't have the images about it rn but they've been posted a lot on Twitter as well as on r/CuratedTumblr


@vozercozer I'mma try to summarize as best as I can from what I saw unfold. Basically, tumblr has had an issue for a while now where trans womens pictures and accounts are reported as explicit and automatically moderated. It doesn't matter if it's nudity within TOS or fully-clothed transition timelines.

One trans woman was hit especially hard by tumblrs moderation system, like they nuked her entire account and flagged all her pictures as being in violation of TOS, down to random innocent memes.

The CEO comes out with this statement where he a) they/them her and b) claim that she was banned for violently threatening the staff.

That's not what they said she was being banned for initially and there's not really any evidence for that apart from some over the top "I hope you die"-type statements clearly said in anger.

Several other trans women have gotten their accounts just nuked for criticizing the CEO about this and he's also crept into just random peoples DMs to try and defend himself, really just throwing his weight around.

@vozercozer I'mma try to summarize as best as I can from what I saw unfold. Basically, tumblr has had an issue for a while now where trans womens pictures and accounts are reported as explicit and automatically moderated. It doesn't matter if it's nudity within TOS or fully-clothed transition timelines.


@vozercozer Oh yeah, and the CEO also threatened to call the cops on her. Like, it's hard to properly convey just how ridiculous the situation is and just how petty the CEO is being.

hazelnot :yell:

@Owlor @vozercozer not just the cops, the FBI, over her basically saying "I hope a car covered in hammers explodes and the hammers hit you repeatedly"

Like, genuinely cartoony type of stuff

Inken Paper

@Owlor @vozercozer

fascists stop being so hopelessly fragile challenge 2024 (impossible)


@vozercozer @eniko prolific trans user on their 4th or 5th account called out Tumblr's CEO and staff for several systematic failings such as auto deleting user accounts when they hit a certain threshold of reports against them, failing to respond to cries of help against coordinated hate brigades, doxing, character assassination, and death threats.

Tumblr's CEO responded by banning their new account and made a whining "I'm the real victim here" ama post when rightfully called out on it.

Metal Mutton πŸ€–πŸ

@eniko fedi feels like the Linux of social media, for better or for worse

David Megginson

@eniko Exactly. The #fediverse isn't fire-proof; it's just that we have a better sprinkler system, because it's not all connected to a single hydrant controlled by a narcissistic billionaire.

πŸ‡«πŸ‡· minirop πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

@david_megginson @eniko the advantages is that even if "random things" happen on the fedi, you can still answer "come to fedi" (just another instance, or block the other instance if that's in your power, etc.)

Todd Knarr

@minirop @david_megginson @eniko You can almost always block entire instances for yourself, regardless of what your instance admin does. Makes life a lot more pleasant.


@eniko Haven't heard about the Tumblr CEO thing, is there somewhere I can read more about it?


@eniko 2024, the year the fediverse goes mainstream!


@TTimo @eniko and Linux desktop πŸ˜†
but most people don't want to see

gavinisdie :troll:

@eniko I almost moved to Tumblr when I got banned from Twitter, I'm glad I came here instead

@eniko fedi is great because while it isn't directly democratic there are so many instances that bad mods are a very small problem since you can just move
Eniko Fox

if youre gonna yell at someone who mentioned me in this thread can you please at least remove my @

thank you

Eniko Fox

if you want to reply to this with some flavor of "but there's <bad thing> on fedi" then please refer to "shit will go down on fedi too" from my original post

yeah, there's bad stuff on fedi. but it's not the people who own fedi imposing the bad stuff on everyone else on fedi, cause nobody owns fedi. come on. you're already on here, you should know this stuff by now


@eniko Look, some clout chaser I perceive as being super popular parroted something scathingly negative they heard 3rd hand about [nuanced topic], and social factors render me incapable of applying any critical thinking skills here at all. I'm not the one who is *wrong* here,


"Facebook doing what Facebook does" come to... wait no - those guys can stay there. GET BACK IN THE HOLE.

Alice :astro:

@eniko Hey, I wrote almost exactly this earlier. Moving accounts and staying on the network is so unbelievably useful. Everyone who followed you before can continue to do so without needing to create an account on yet another centralized social site. They stay where they're happy, and still get to follow you at your new location.

Large Heydon Collider

@eniko it doesn't solve all problems but fedi being not-for-profit does make it quite different from these other places and their problems



or block, mute and report them or their server, or if necessary, move.

They can never dominate unless everyone buys into it.

which is exactly the point.

democracy and freedom of movement is beautiful, man :ablobdj: :abunhdhappyhop: :ablobcatreachreverse:

jeff i want these people to go back where they came from.


@eniko at this point you could scientifically describe the process by which a company is founded, becomes successful, is milked for every penny and collapses
the whole cycle of infinite profit is so stupidly, obviously, short-sighted, and like, people look at you like you're crazy for suggesting alternatives


@starsider i guess that's what's considered a properly functional economy is waves of medium sized businesses being created and imploding over and over while some tiny number of titans persist for decades? i don't know i'm clearly not an economist :)

project always tired

@eniko Racism and antisemitism on Fedi... And now?

Scott Starkey ("he" or "they")


Yes, and...
From what I've seen, bad stuff has been mostly banished from polite conversation into their own deplorable "freeze peach" bubble.

I know it happens. I know it's on the rise. Thankfully, it's been practically invisible on my instance due to excellent administration.

I think most instances stand by their enforcement codes. They don't want bad stuff posted, because that makes their server a bannable "Nazi Bar", ruining its reputation, one that they paid good money for.

Scott Starkey ("he" or "they")


That being said - I just had to block the moron above, so "gentle transphobia" and "gentle Naziism" are usually not against codes of conduct.

"Hey I was just asking questions" guys be damned.



Sad we did we close down all the self hosted forums we had,
when social media made things more convenient and added a worldwide search.

Andy Mouse


This is why business model matters.

For-profit? Good bye.

Raven Luni

@eniko I think the bigger problem is the bad platforms trying to rebrand themselves here. Too many people still fall for the nice guy act even after being burned.

Helge Heß

@eniko I wish moving was much easier though, Masto still correlates the user to the account, i.e. the server "owns you". Would be nice if the identity would be key based (like say in git).

183231bcb All the other fedi server software allow you to move all your posts in addition to all your followers. You can even move all your posts and followers from a mastodon instance to an Akkoma or Sharkey instance. It's just mastodon that makes it hard to move.


@eniko the hardest thing about being right is how long it takes everyone else to realize it.

Glitchy Pixel

@eniko this reminds me that I need to make a custom website and kill Tumblr. I have a domain but haven't started yet...


@eniko This is why I stay on fedi. It's will always be a backup, but I know it's a backup that has some resilience to enshittification.

Stephanie Moore

@eniko yes I think you put your finger right on it. We have to assume it will happen because human nature. What we can do is design and build better systems for managing it when it does happen.

Kitchen Priestess (She/Her)


Shit's already going down in the Fediverse. But some servers have better moderators than others.

Brian Grinter

@eniko @lisamelton
Isn’t tumblr CEO also Wordpress CEO?

This will be awkward

Brian Grinter

@lisamelton @eniko

On the other hand he’s not getting a cent from me for the many sites I host myself and run…

Lisa Melton

@bgrinter Exactly. Hosted websites are very different from the commercial site.


Brian Grinter

@lisamelton @eniko diverse range of people doing good work at WP like Josepha Haden. Will be interested to see the outcome of this

Brian Grinter

@lisamelton she does the WP Insider podcast and certainly doesn’t come across as such


@eniko wonder how long it will take for an exodus from bluesky to occur...


@eniko well trump moved to fedi, now he is in his own little bubble because no other admin likes him.


@eniko better yet, you can set up your own tiny instance for you and people you care about. No geekery required thanks to folks like

It’s lovely to be able to defederate from and source of vileness without having to ask an admin and hope they agree.

KatieVM I ended up going more than a bit back to Tumblr because if folks fleeing Twitter to go there, but I had already been trying to spend more time here even then. It's gonna hurt to lose my contacts again as they pick Cohost or Bluesky and I just give up on following them there.


@eniko regarding the "shit will go down on fedi", I really wish people would fully understand that the fediverse is not a monolithic social network like the other mainstream ones

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