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R. Nicole

@mcc @tess I looked into them myself. The biggest issues:
They will not go over 45-55 mph. They would not work well on major interstates here.
They are very small compared to everything else on the roads here. If you get run over, they might find a small splat on the pavement that is oily of you...
They have a limit on how far you can go on one charge... if you are just using it as a daily driver in the city, perfect. If you need it to take you to Great Aunt Millie's house 7 hours away... 😬🤯

Stay-At-Home Solarparent

@appagalcrochet @mcc @tess

What EV won't go over 55? Are you looking at L7 quadracycles?

R. Nicole

@solarpunkgnome This is in regard to the LSEV's sold in China. Even the Wuling cars which have a top speed of 60 mph are not comfortable above 30 - 40 mph as they become harder to steer and you feel every single bump on the road.

This is according to my neighbors who are from Jiangsu Province. Apparently going above 30 mph, you end up fighting the cars' desire to go in a straight line. And with such small wheels, you feel every pothole, all the more so given the poorly padded seats.

R. Nicole

@solarpunkgnome This comment above was not concerning EV's available here in the US. It was specifically in response to the question posed about availability and use of LSEV's only sold in China.

Personally, I ride my bike 90% of the year or walk. If I do use my vehicle it is for long drives to TN to visit family once or twice a year. Current miles driven the past 9 months... 1,892.4 miles. I have to crank it once a month and drive around the neighborhood just to keep life in the battery. 😂


@appagalcrochet I have a car that I only drive for about half of the year. I picked up a PWM Solar Charge Controller and a 30W panel for under $100 and store it hooked up to that. Fires right up no matter how long I leave it.

Ben Ford :grinchsmile:

@appagalcrochet @mcc @tess you should read the toot that started this thread again 😝

R. Nicole

@binford2k @mcc @tess

What makes you think I didn't? Making assumptions does you no favors.

Ben Ford :grinchsmile:

@appagalcrochet @mcc @tess because every point you made ignored the premise of the conversation.

R. Nicole

@binford2k I answered a specific post/question within the thread. If that bothers you, too bad. Backpfiefengesicht is a personal issue I cannot/will not assist you with, good day.

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