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The House Of Sports Misery

@tess yes and there are other underlying factors as well. Take Texas where a new EV registration now runs you 400 bucks. Then it's 200 a year after that.

A typical registration here is under 100 dollars per year.

Dana Fried

@RVLara23 that's not uncommon; because roads are typically maintained out of gas taxes and EVs do just as much damage to infrastructure as gas-powered vehicles.

(I mean, Texas is probably doing it to be shitty, but WA does the same thing.)

The House Of Sports Misery

@tess Interesting - hadn't heard of it in other states although I guess I'm not surprised. At any rate - surely that added cost is also a factor.

And without a doubt Texas is doing it to be shitty.

Alex White-Robinson

@tess @RVLara23 I've heard that cars in general contribute little to roading infrastructure costs, the vast majority of that infrastructure cost is caused by trucks.

At least, that's apparently true here in NZ.

Alex White-Robinson

@tess @RVLara23 charging more for an EV than a combustion car (full of hammers and explosions) just seems like petty messaging when cars in general aren't where the costs come from

Bill Woodcock
@tess @RVLara23

EVs are rougher on roads, actually, because they're typically heavier for the same number of people-miles driven, and because they typically use lower-rolling-resistance / higher-inflation tires.

Still just a drop-in-the-bucket relative to freight trucking.
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