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⚳ rapid unscheduled assembly ⚳

@enobacon @kca @tess Don't get me wrong, I own an electric bike _and_ an electric motorcycle, but my partner can't ride either of those alone due to physical limitations, and for some purposes the car is just better.

I should point out that the car is a nice little reasonably sized Chevy Bolt and not some oversized freaking monster truck.


@coregaze @kca @tess there are many kinds of adaptive bikes which can help people with physical limitations personally experience the benefits of e-bike rebates & bike infrastructure, via cycle. But even for people who really need a car, getting the vast majority of people onto bikes for SOME trips is going to be a net mobility win for not being stuck in traffic, less parking pressure, affordable housing, pretty much every metric that makes cities work. Not everyone can drive.

⚳ rapid unscheduled assembly ⚳

@enobacon @kca @tess Yeah, but you can't go to the store with one of those, because you can't park them anywhere. Moreover, they don't have the sort of assistive technology for people with visual agnosia that cars do, like radar-based automatic braking and pedestrian warnings, or video rear-view mirrors that can avoid dazzling a one-eyed driver.

Your idea of what a physical limitation constitutes is very limited, and the technologies in modern cars for improving safety are better than bikes.

⚳ rapid unscheduled assembly ⚳

@enobacon @kca @tess I'm not saying that everyone should drive all the time. What I'm saying is that for some people a car is the only way they can function in society, and it's profoundly annoying when bike people ignore that fact. And I say that myself as a bike person! I've ridden over a million miles over the last 45 years on bikes of all kinds, and I love bikes, but even I understand that there are things they just cannot do.


@coregaze please send me the contact info for bike people who are ignoring the mobility needs of others and I will give them a talking-to. I think more of us understand these issues than most drivers but I'll make sure of it if you see otherwise.


@enobacon @coregaze I doubt you need contact info, you’ve already got yourself.

Dutch person here. I love in a densely populated, small distances country. I have a healthy body. Most of my movements are by foot or by bike, and still I own a car, because I need one for visiting friends and family because the distances are big enough.

And yet I see you ranting at someone who a) says they like two-wheeled transport and b) know people who are physically incapable of using a bike.


@coregaze @kca @tess but I DO go to the store with a cargo bike, and can park it anywhere. Besides that most of the systems for making cars safer are needed only because they weigh so much more than 100-ish pounds and have the power to travel at speeds that aren't needed to reach the store in a few minutes.


@coregaze @kca @tess People who have extra mobility needs should be given money to account for that difficulty in whatever way they need to, not the same cars-only subsidies as able-bodied wealthy white guy tesla cybertruck driver tearing through the neighborhood blocking poor kids from being able to safely bike to school on their own.

⚳ rapid unscheduled assembly ⚳

@enobacon @kca @tess The cybertruck shouldn't have any subsidies. In fact, anyone who buys one should be exiled to an island somewhere. An island with no electricity.

Incidentally, when I bought my Zero DSR, I got a federal tax rebate that paid for several thousand dollars' worth of it.


@coregaze @kca @tess Considering that we cover about $5/mile of the cost for people to drive, there is a lot of money to be saved by paying them to do something else. A push up the hill, beer handup, and stuff a fiver in the pocket of everybody on a bike would cost a fraction as much.

JK :prami:

@coregaze @enobacon @kca @tess I own an ebike as well but the idea that “most people” want one is laughable if not downright nuts. Always love when people try to speak for everyone ;)


@jasonekratz @coregaze @kca @tess clearly most people want to work long hours and sit in traffic to move at ultimately 8mph in a metal box

Grassroots Joe

@coregaze @enobacon @kca @tess

How do you like the Bolt?
My #2 needs to get a car and wants an EV.
He's thinking a Leaf, but I suspect a Bolt would be a better choice...

(I've got a Specialized Como 3.0 I use for most of my appointments and store runs - as long as it's in the upper 40s F, too cold for me below that.)


@joeinwynnewood @coregaze @kca @tess It's zippy AF, if you got one with a replaced battery and not software-downgraded to see if it might explode. Kinda plastic/cheap interior and rattly hatch. I don't like the lack of source code or heat pump options.

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