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Aral Balkan

You steal from one person and you’re a thief. You steal from everyone and you’re an AI company.


Diego :Ryyca:

@aral those AI companies are taking piracy to a whole new level. And they're getting away with it.

Aral Balkan

@diegodru It’s not piracy when the government does it… we call that the navy.

Clara Sohet 🍉J-2💕🌈

@aral You steal War Crime Proofs from the US Army, you're a walking dead. #FreeJulianAssange


@aral or Congress allowing wealth transfer from poor people to the rich.

David P, PhD


A variation on "If you owe the bank a million dollars, the bank owns you. If you owe the bank a billion dollars, you own the bank."

Adjust for inflation.



They hang the man and flog the woman
Who steals the goose from off the common
Yet let the greater villain loose
That steals the common from the goose

(Union songs)


@aral Good artists copy, great artists steal (Pablo Picasso) #everythingisaremix


@dgavin @aral Well, Picasso didnt take Jobs from his Co-Artists...


@panopticon @aral Of course he did. He is probably single-handedly responsible for many, many artists who lost their job because they couldn’t adapt to the new art styles Picasso created by taking their art and changing it.


@dgavin @panopticon @aral I never heard of this. But it is hard to quantize "Lost Opportunity".
Im not a fan of copyright in the first place, but if they steal anyway, they should at least steal from the right people.

Aral Balkan

@dgavin Funny, I hadn’t realised trillion-dollar corporations were artists. Then again, I guess it’s called being a con artist for a reason.


@aral since the 17th century "artists" is used for "one skilled in any art or craft" (including professors, surgeons, craftsmen, cooks).
I‘d argue that software engineers are artists too. AI models are not created by some abstract "trillion dollar companies" but by humans. Your class struggle rethoric is undercomplex and not helpful here (and I‘m saying this as a left social democrat).

Aral Balkan

@dgavin Undercomplex – is that anything like simple? Because trillion-dollar corporations and billionaires doing whatever they like with the labour of others is a very simple concept and that’s exactly what’s happening here.


@aral 1st no plural: there is only one trillion dollar company in the world profiting from AI trained on stolen IP: Microsoft. And I dislike them as much as anyone else.
And 2nd: "Let him among you who is without sin be the first to send a stone at her." Did you use Napster? Cracked versions of software? NES emulators? I know I did, so I’m careful condemning others doing the same. Progress - especially in new tech fields - sometimes depends on privacy.

Demon Queen Lucretia
@dgavin @aral the machine is not an artist, therefore it cannot benefit from this cheeky adage.
Georg Krammer

@aral I remember the good old times when the same companies sued everyone and everything for #copyright infringements.

Captain Janegay 🫖

@aral The law locks up the man or woman,
That steals the goose from off the common,
But lets the greater felon loose,
That steals the common from the goose.

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