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Mx. Eddie R

Holy shit:


the airline should not be liable for the chatbot's misleading information because, Air Canada essentially argued, "the chatbot is a separate legal entity that is responsible for its own actions,"

Can you imagine if the court had accepted that?


@silvermoon82 @stavvers But suppose it were a human being working for them that told a customer, in writing, on an official communication channel, that they could get a discount. Seems the airline would be forced to honor that.

Kydia Music

@not2b @silvermoon82 @stavvers

Absolutely. Of course then they’d fire that employee, but they won’t do that with their Chatbot, because it replaces several (hundreds?) of human customer service reps, and saves them more money in the long run than it might lose on a few airfares it has to reimburse.

Billy Smith

@silvermoon82 @stavvers

This reminds me of an in-narrative-universe legal decision about AI that was influenced by the fact that AI's were initially used by spammers. :D

It's definitley worth an archive trawl. :D


@silvermoon82 @stavvers

Which is totally bullshit, because if a human were to promise wrong policy, the company would be held to it.

Fahri Reza

Something like embedded frame that the content originated from 3rd party chatbot provider @silvermoon82 @stavvers

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