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Trankten :vf: :tkz:

@alternative @Yuvalne @dansup Problem is the randomness.

Usually the bots register a few accounts in every instance they find so a Fediblock tends to affect every user in the instance who have regular posts and legitimate use the Fediverse. A list of instances is not going to help but can mitigate if they are blocked manually.

It is up to #MastoAdmins to suspend the accounts in their instances as soon as possible, but the problem comes with unattended instances with open registrations, which are quite a few and if no active moderation is taking, more spam bots will register and will end Fediblocked.


1 comment

@trankten @Yuvalne @dansup

Some says The biggest reason is that there is no Captcha system when joining

and i thinkt it's very reasonable

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