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whenever my boss says "think of the big picture, elle" I'm immediately an astronaut floating silently in space tethered to my ship looking down on earth, and nothing he wants seems important or even relevant really so this strategy has backfired on him more than once is what I'm saying

Deeds :prami:

@ElleGray feeling the metaphor. Also this picture wow! Talked to my 5/yo about this picture and the MMU that fellow is flying out in space.. it doesn’t get anymore disconnected and lonely than that..

Deeds :prami:

@ElleGray it sure is up there, can’t imagine or grasp the endlessness of it.

Reminds me about that Pete Holmes skit about “it doesn’t make any sense!” 🤣

Eka A.

@ElleGray @deeds
Kinda like diving with a zero bubble rebreather scuba gear.

Deeds :prami:

@Eka_FOOF_A @ElleGray the trust (pun intended!) he put in that piece of equipment is enormous 🚀

Eka A.

@deeds @ElleGray
When you get down to it, a spacesuit is a mini spaceship.

Eka A.

@footsteps @deeds @ElleGray
I like to call it "The biological entity called Earth."

Deeds :prami:

@footsteps @Eka_FOOF_A @ElleGray now thats one giant leap from mini to maxi spaceship ㏊㏊㏊


@ElleGray fun fact, that astronaut is not tethered. Bruce McCandless, I think.


@elset I know. Such a good picture though and it captures the feeling

Nicole Parsons


I had a boss who tried to use football analogies to convince me to work weekends unpaid.

I just gave him blank incredulous looks every time he tried to tell me fables about long-past superbowl heroes. I knew none of these men.


@thomasfuchs no, I meant tethered. But then I found this picture which I think is marvelous, and conveys what I was feeling


@ElleGray @thomasfuchs ironically that photo is the furthest/longest anyone's ever been _un_tethered from a spaceship... I think ;)

Misha Van Mollusq 🏳️‍⚧️ ♀

@ElleGray sounds like your boss is causing disassociation events in his employees .
This could be actionable against him

linguistic chaos goblin

@ElleGray This is a great toot, shame the image description is absent!

linguistic chaos goblin

@ElleGray It is.

There is text there but it just repeats the toot. It does not describe the image.


@bright_helpings @ElleGray something is up with your client. The text is there.

linguistic chaos goblin

@marnanel @ElleGray It is now! Thanks for adding it Elle! I appreciate the oversight (ha!) being corrected. :disabled_heart:


@ElleGray Douglas Adams:

"She would often tell her husband to have some sense of proportion, sometimes as often as thirty-eight times in one day. In response to her pleas for him to find some perspective, he built the Total Perspective Vortex.

Into one end he plugged the whole of reality as extrapolated from a piece of fairy cake, and into the other end he plugged his wife: so that when he turned it on she would see in one instant the whole infinity of creation and herself in relation to it.


@ElleGray …To Trin Tragula’s horror, the shock completely annihilated her brain; but to his satisfaction he realised that he had proved conclusively that if life was going to exist in a Universe of this size, then the one thing it could not afford to have was a sense of proportion."


@ElleGray like .. what product y'all making? Must be able to fit in that .. pic.


@ElleGray And the “helicopter view”? Blurry from grit in eyes and vibration. Massive noise and discomfort, longing to stand on solid ground and appreciate the view. (Appreciate, I did—photos prove that.)


@ElleGray Above Sagan's Pale Blue Dot.

Beautiful, haunting photo.

Space photos put everything into perspective.


@ElleGray I think you'd make the perfect Moongirl Spokesperson for our Crypto project.


@ElleGray ok boss, I've considered the importance of The Company vs the inevitable heat death of the universe, and I'll be mostly slacking off this week

bettybarcode (she/her) 🚲

Maddening boss advice, especially if your job is to stay down in the weeds fixing problems so the Big Picture comes off as planned

Patrick Johanneson 🚀

"In another billion years the sun will have warmed to the point that all the water on Earth has boiled off into space."

"Too big, Elle, focus on the middle-ground picture."


@ElleGray "Planet earth is blue, and there's nothing I can do..."

⠠⠵ avuko

@ElleGray if he ever shifts to “making an impact”, just imagine yourself back up there, but now with a tungsten rod in your hands… 😉

Egor Kloos

@ElleGray Hahaha. "Big Picture" thinking is a trait I have; it's a benefit from a strategy point of view. But a liability when trying to focus, get things done, talk to people, etc.
I find it perplexing that people don't tend to think like that all the time, and I learned the hard way to be in the moment and focus on what, or who, is in front of me.

Sylvia Wenmackers 🦉🍀

@ElleGray It reminds me of the time my boss told me I should learn to say 'no', and how angry he got when he realized I was a quick study. 👩‍🚀

Nicolas Ward

@ElleGray My annual feedback is almost always Think Big, need to use this 😂

Kern 🏳️‍🌈 the big picture??? Oh my god I'm gonna die one day and I never even asked for any of this oh god

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