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162 posts total
Masta Live

Last chance to look at this pic! Our premium subscriptions soon will be non-working! 😲

Masta Live

Minecraft RANDAR exploit lets you find the in-game location of any player by looking at how pieces of a broken block fall



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@campuscodi this reminds me of tea leaves reading or chicken bones tossing. Really scary actually.

🌱 Ligniform :donor:​

@campuscodi 2B2T back at it again for helping people find exploits I see

Masta Live

We are looking for a new member for our #Mastodon core team to work with @Gargron, @renchap and @Claire on building the Mastodon #backend and web app!

This is a #remote #fulltime position and requires an overlap with the CET timezone.


- You are a #Ruby expert
- With prior experience in maintaining #opensource projects
- Prior knowledge of #ActivityPub is a big plus!

For more info and to apply:

#FediHire #GetFediHired #hiring

We are looking for a new member for our #Mastodon core team to work with @Gargron, @renchap and @Claire on building the Mastodon #backend and web app!

This is a #remote #fulltime position and requires an overlap with the CET timezone.


- You are a #Ruby expert
- With prior experience in maintaining #opensource projects
- Prior knowledge of #ActivityPub is a big plus!

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Jón Grétar

@MastodonEngineering @Gargron @renchap @Claire sure is tempting to brush off the old Ruby experience. But it’s been 12 years since I used it. Call me if you decide to do an Elixir rewrite. ;)

Angela Korra'ti

@MastodonEngineering @Gargron @renchap @Claire Dang. I'm QA, not dev! (But if you all ever hire an SDET, I would be _very_ interested.)

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@bleeptrack @patrick246
Leute, die sich ein DIY-Solarsystem bauen:
"Do I choose the blue plug (48V) or the red plug (24V)"


@bleeptrack #Alt4You

Photo of bleeptrack holding two Anderson connectors (thick two-conductor plastic things, each the size of a box of matches), one in each hand, presenting them to the camera.

The one in the right hand is blue, the one in the left hand is red. The photo is desaturated, with a pale bluish-greenish tint. bleeptrack is looking serious and wears round black sunglasses. The whole image is reminiscent of Morpheus presenting Neo with the red and blue pills in the Matrix movie.

Masta Live
this is your friendly croc reminding you

that tomorrow is friday

but today is out of touch thursday
Masta Live
Man fuck this bureaucracy, I hate it.
"Um, akchually, you need to add there dot, there add column, and then re-send this document to us". 😤
Masta Live
Sold my smart watches and now thinking about buying a new ones. But nearly all cool looking smart watches (by cool I mean 'looking like real watches') are cost more that $100-150. *sigh*
Also this expensive smart watches could barely work on one charge up to 3 days, and that's a bummer.
I've found some models that can last longer than 14 days on one charge, but looks of them is not appealing to me. Guess I'll continue to search for something 🤷‍♂️
Sold my smart watches and now thinking about buying a new ones. But nearly all cool looking smart watches (by cool I mean 'looking like real watches') are cost more that $100-150. *sigh*
Also this expensive smart watches could barely work on one charge up to 3 days, and that's a bummer.
Masta Live
А зачем в новостях говорят "ВФУ" (вооружённые формирования Украины), а не ВСУ? Вроде раньше называли военных из Украины именно ВСУ, а тут зацепил краем уха новости по телеку и чот странное какое-то 🤔
Masta Live
Hunted down some weird Active Directory replication problem, and guess what? Yep, it was DNS (it's always DNS)
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