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7 posts total
Charles U. Farley

This is all happening because people who grew up on resources extracted from poorer countries are incapable of conceiving of the planet as finite. It will continue until they're forced to face up to that reality.

Charles U. Farley

My mom makes interpretive panels for state parks and the like. She told me about how a woman she knows told her "overfishing is impossible because God will provide." Fortunately, when she told the woman about places that were suffering from overfishing, including about the near extinction of whales, the woman responded with surprise because she'd simply never heard about this things. Perhaps that's reason for hope.

Charles U. Farley

1988: To take a screenshot, you take a photograph of the screen.

2024: To take a screenshot, you take a photograph of the screen.

Charles U. Farley

"If someone recommends #Brave to you, you should ignore them, because they are wrong. #BraveBrowser is a mess of a software project, and the company building it is even worse."

I'd say block them TBH.

Stop using Brave Browser - by Corbin Davenport

Charles U. Farley

I think the thing that's actually going to be revolutionized by #AI is medicine. Not interacting with patients but figuring out how the human body actually works.

Αλαιν Φογτια Αννα Εμιλια

@freakazoid I don't think that'll happen; or if it happens, one would just end up with shit like phrenology again, not with "actually figuring out how something works" except maybe in cases where pure statistics could already solve it...


@freakazoid totally! molecular biology makes no sense, AI has the advantage of not having any macro-level presumptions.

I hear it's also doing good work in fission shaping the plasma vortices in tokemak reactors.


@freakazoid Filling in gaps from scans is actually an area where generative AI is useful. It’s all probabilistic after all.

Charles U. Farley

If you really valued my privacy you wouldn't be doing anything that required asking for my consent.

Charles U. Farley

Gotta love the FUD articles I see going around Twitter that "OMG bad things ALSO happen on Mastodon!"

Charles U. Farley

I'm all for automation, but a huge fraction of automation is applied in a way that actually harms us. Example: harassing you repeatedly to fill out a survey literally every time you interact with the company or their product. Or complicated IVR trees, phone queues, and text chat where you're constantly waiting ages for a response and keep getting bounced from operator to operator and you can't look away or they'll close your case and lose context. What to call this, "dark automation", "harmful automation"?

Hart of the Wud

@freakazoid Ursula Franklin talks about "prescriptive technologies" which force people into particular patterns of behavior in order to optimize hierarchically driven production.

She contrasts these with "holistic technologies" which operate at an individual level and may require craft, concepts or artistry.

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