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21 posts total

Apparently new saner NIST CSP password recommendations are in…

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dee 🏳️‍⚧️

@devopscats bullet 4 is going to cause such issues for those who can't even manage the other bullet points 😂

Count emojis as a single char... Well, that's open to a lot of language specific fun

europlus :autisminf:

@devopscats @robdaemon the periodic change one has been gone for a while now, thankfully.

Þór Sigurðsson

@devopscats #8 is 👍👍too! Microsoft is breaking that with Windows 11.

Q:"What's the name of your 1st pet?"
A:"ð0maz04p9es7nuty45p0æ7uyn5esoæl8gvuynme4o8gusyem4o8gvsuy extl8onbs7y45læo8iseum 5l8owsugyb lo4es587yguspæo349uy nbslo8eg54ryunlo8y<"

Every time.

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@devopscats @ckape And all I'm thinking is, "Wait, it never specified the boat is on the same side of the river..."

I'm glad we have AI to think _around_ produce... I mean, problems.


@devopscats @DaveMWilburn no wonder the government is so interested in ChatGPT


Sorry if I'm grumpy today, discovered Hunt and Brew coldbrew coffee gives me severe indigestion...


Also been battling with everything Canonical...

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Kevin P. Fleming

@devopscats Super easy to build that product, it always says zero!

Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

@devopscats alt text: promo image for a current clamp meter, with the meter being held next to some cables, but the cables aren't connected to anything and they're also fibre optic.

Brian Hawthorne

@devopscats @woozle My house is definitely Studio Ghibli inspired. I’m still trying to get the soot sprites to move out, and I can barely fit in the living room next to the cat bus.

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Thomas Svensson 🖖


Thanks! Can't really remember when I last nerd-giggled as much as I do now 🤪

keith shtum

@devopscats @MnemosyneSinger the "b" in benoit b mandlebrot stands for benoit b mandlebrot


This shows exactly why 'perfect' is never a proper goal. Well done!

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