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Apparently new saner NIST CSP password recommendations are in…

Maddie :patsMaddie:
@devopscats wish thank god, i hate dealing with overly complicated password rules that just lead to insecure passwords that are hard to remember
Frank’s Ting

@devopscats @jpm you just know there’s security experts at large corporates who may consider taking these guidelines on in about 2040


@franksting @devopscats @jpm sadly, some old systems will be slow to change but all new systems should be compliant.


@devopscats this is so nice I've gotten into discussions with old school managers who were stuck in their ways of forcing password resets.


s0: Soldering Sorceress

@devopscats stapling this to the door of the security division at work


@s0 recommend using a gauge nail gun, purely for the therapeutic value of course


@devopscats I think these rules are recent but not new. Like I think they were already the NIST recommendation 2 years ago

will talk for elePHPants!

@devopscats That's in there for at.least a year if not longer. But wasn't as prominent presented in a list

dee 🏳️‍⚧️

@devopscats bullet 4 is going to cause such issues for those who can't even manage the other bullet points 😂

Count emojis as a single char... Well, that's open to a lot of language specific fun

europlus :autisminf:

@devopscats @robdaemon the periodic change one has been gone for a while now, thankfully.

Þór Sigurðsson

@devopscats #8 is 👍👍too! Microsoft is breaking that with Windows 11.

Q:"What's the name of your 1st pet?"
A:"ð0maz04p9es7nuty45p0æ7uyn5esoæl8gvuynme4o8gusyem4o8gvsuy extl8onbs7y45læo8iseum 5l8owsugyb lo4es587yguspæo349uy nbslo8eg54ryunlo8y<"

Every time.

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