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If you'd like to get a rough feeling on how well your ad-blocking strategies are (uBlock Origin, Pi hole, AdGuard, AdNauseam, ...), give this test tool a try:

My block rate is 98%

(still need to figure out how to squeeze out more, and finally get the Pi hole set up here locally as well)

#adblock #privacy #tracking #pihole #surveillancecapitalism

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iam-py-test :unverified:

@phlogiston Please don't take this personally, but that tool is very inaccurate - especially when testing uBlock Origin.
Firstly, the way it determines if a domain is blocked is highly flawed.
uBlock Origin's developer recommends against using this test for that exact reason: https[://]twitter[.]com/gorhill/status/1583581072197312512 (shame he's on X)

Secondly, some of the domains it tests are not really ads or trackers:

Sadly, the maintainer of this test fails to inform people of it's limitations.


@phlogiston Please don't take this personally, but that tool is very inaccurate - especially when testing uBlock Origin.
Firstly, the way it determines if a domain is blocked is highly flawed.
uBlock Origin's developer recommends against using this test for that exact reason: https[://]twitter[.]com/gorhill/status/1583581072197312512 (shame he's on X)


@phlogiston 98% on Android with Firefox and ublock origin

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