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If you'd like to get a rough feeling on how well your ad-blocking strategies are (uBlock Origin, Pi hole, AdGuard, AdNauseam, ...), give this test tool a try:

My block rate is 98%

(still need to figure out how to squeeze out more, and finally get the Pi hole set up here locally as well)

#adblock #privacy #tracking #pihole #surveillancecapitalism

Bob LeFridge


I just scored 100%. Do I win a cuddly toy?

Simon (a 🐮 in 🇳🇿)

@BobLefridge 93% with _just_ pi-hole.
Which makes sense, as the js are loaded from a non-pi-holed domain, thus not blocked


Funny thing:

I've enabled some more filter lists from uBlock Origin, and my score **went down!** Really strange ...

CMDR Yojimbosan UTC+(12|13)

@lightweight @phlogiston 66% with macOS Firefox and AdNauseam "Active" - because of course ads were being processed, which is sort-of the point for this blocker.
99% with AdNauseum switched to "Strict".

4% for macOS Vivaldi with no addons.

7% for macOS Chrome with no addons.

13% for macOS Safari with no addons, despite Safari's claims.

96% for macOS Brave, no addons but I've been into Settings a few times to turn off the crypto bullshit.

100% for macOS Orion, no addons. Actually I'm surprised. I may have to do some more work with this one ...

@lightweight @phlogiston 66% with macOS Firefox and AdNauseam "Active" - because of course ads were being processed, which is sort-of the point for this blocker.
99% with AdNauseum switched to "Strict".

4% for macOS Vivaldi with no addons.

7% for macOS Chrome with no addons.

13% for macOS Safari with no addons, despite Safari's claims.


@yojimbo @lightweight
I've seen something similar with LibreWolf and AdNauseam hitting mid 60%s. Privacy Badger on top lifts it then to 69%.

But yes, the thing is that AdNauseam does its own thing. Clocked up some cost to advertisers alsready. It'd be higher if I hadn't once lost my ad click count :-)

total estimated cost = $831.21

CMDR Yojimbosan UTC+(12|13)

@phlogiston @lightweight I use different browsers for purpose-differentiation: because $dayjob is a Google Workspace user, I use Chrome with no changes for work purposes.

I use Firefox for my socials, usually just fediverse.

I use Brave for my personal mailboxes.

It's far easier finding a whole browser to switch to, than it is to find one tab within one of them ...

But Orion ... macOS/iOS-only as far as I can see. Youtube (not logged in) played video without nagging about adblocking. Looking promising.

@phlogiston @lightweight I use different browsers for purpose-differentiation: because $dayjob is a Google Workspace user, I use Chrome with no changes for work purposes.

I use Firefox for my socials, usually just fediverse.

I use Brave for my personal mailboxes.

It's far easier finding a whole browser to switch to, than it is to find one tab within one of them ...

iam-py-test :unverified:

@phlogiston Please don't take this personally, but that tool is very inaccurate - especially when testing uBlock Origin.
Firstly, the way it determines if a domain is blocked is highly flawed.
uBlock Origin's developer recommends against using this test for that exact reason: https[://]twitter[.]com/gorhill/status/1583581072197312512 (shame he's on X)

Secondly, some of the domains it tests are not really ads or trackers:

Sadly, the maintainer of this test fails to inform people of it's limitations.


@phlogiston Please don't take this personally, but that tool is very inaccurate - especially when testing uBlock Origin.
Firstly, the way it determines if a domain is blocked is highly flawed.
uBlock Origin's developer recommends against using this test for that exact reason: https[://]twitter[.]com/gorhill/status/1583581072197312512 (shame he's on X)


Thanks for that comment. I knew it was only a rough initial test, and didn't know about the inaccuracies you've highlighted.

So, the way I'd take it that it's not a very accurate test, but nonetheless useful as an eye opener to judge how somebody's adblocking posture is.

I wish there was a good (other) test around that's more reliable as well as easy for general people to follow.


@phlogiston 98% on Android with Firefox and ublock origin

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