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13 posts total
Alexander Ilyin

As a rule, a perfect end for an evening requires, at bare minimum, a nosy girl simulator, a cheburek the size of an arm, and some tea.

Alexander Ilyin

Maybe the appeal of TUI is that spacing is consistent, font size is all the same, so it looks nice almost by itself?


@nikitonsky also *I* get to pick the font face, weights and size, and, most of the time, the color palette.

And TUIs are usually very focused on a single thing, performant and keyboard focused.

Alexander Ilyin

One day this winter I will wear something under my skinny jeans and canvas top sneakers, like an adult, but tonight is not that day.

Alexander Ilyin

Finally watched Mandy after putting off for many years. Exhilarating, as expected.

Alexander Ilyin

One of the bars I used to frequent just handed me a token of recognition.

Alexander Ilyin

Any recommendations for:
1. Comic books along the lines of Scott Pilgrim and Homestuck?
2. Books to get into classic cybernetics?

Devine Lu Linvega

@creitve Oh wow I didn't know they translated it! It's a gorgeous edition :eyes_fast: A must read for anyone interested in design

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