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Niki Tonsky

Maybe the appeal of TUI is that spacing is consistent, font size is all the same, so it looks nice almost by itself?


@nikitonsky also *I* get to pick the font face, weights and size, and, most of the time, the color palette.

And TUIs are usually very focused on a single thing, performant and keyboard focused.

Niki Tonsky

@nocksock keyboard focused — sure. But performant? I’m not sure anyone developing TUI really thinks a lot about performance. Do you have examples?


@nikitonsky I found the opposite to be true: generally speaking, people are way more concerned about performance - maybe even more than probably necessary.

But given the way they render, they are inherently at least nicer on memory and I get noticeably more battery time when using TUIs.

eg. same repo on idle: Tower ~140mb Lazygit 25mb.

Neovim: usually WAY below 50mb (~25mb), vscode several hundred before I even opened a file.



Also I was thinking more generally about "using a TUI written in Go with Charm" vs "using a GUI written in Electron using JS". :D

Not implying that there aren't performant GUIs, just that the performance floor is higher by default for TUIs.

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