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🌼 Dagnabbit, Pascaline! 🌼

You know what, a long time ago I created an embroidered version of someone's portrait (digitally) and I think this one deserves putting in the work to create it. I saved the image, the next step will be finding the time 😊
If I do it I will post it!


@aronow I just did a search because I had to know:

Yes, it's available for purchase to make ourselves and also just to reward the artist for creating such fine art

Madame Aronow

This is what happens when you leave your laundry unattended

D’awwwww :blobfoxpleading:

#catsofmastodon #cats

Two cats on a pile of laundry on a couch
Madame Aronow

How do you eat an oversized muffin?

Anonymous poll


All in - giant bites
Tear chunks off and eat them
With a fork
Some obvious answer I’m forgetting (comment)
0 people voted.
Voting ended 7 Mar 2024 at 1:40.
Madame Aronow

Good #morning from Baby Sir, I’ve moved my arm three times but he keeps repositioning just like this so I guess we’re going with it :blobfoxcrylaugh: #cats

What are you up to #today? I need to do some cleaning around the house and then I get my claws done this afternoon 💅

Hope it’s a great day for us all! :blobfoxheartcute:


Black cat curled up with two paws over a girls arm
Madame Aronow

Rainy days are for this exact purpose :blobfoxcomfy:

#rain #catsofmastodon #cats

Siamese cat curled up on the comforter between legs
Madame Aronow

Gave the baby #cats catnip, they’re having two very different adventures :blobfoxcrylaugh:

#catsofmastodon #mastocats

Two cats, one in a box, one being a derp
Madame Aronow

Want to play a game, fedi?

Take a pic of what you’re doing :ablobfoxbongo: !

Me? I am petting this baby #cat :QueerCat:

#catsofmastodon #fedicats

Siamese Cat on a girl’s lap
Madame Aronow

Good morning fedi friends! Baby Sir here to remind you to eat a balanced diet - veggies AND donuts practically cancel each other out! :blobfoxnomdonut:

Hope it’s a good day for you, what are you getting up to?

#catsofmastodon #mastocats #today

Black cat with a donut and carrot toy
Madame Aronow

Someone assembled the #cat without reading all the instructions :blobfoxcrylaugh:

#cats #catsofmastodon

Siamese cat with limbs everywhere
Madame Aronow

Anyone want to come hide from the world in this box with me and Baby Sir? I have snacks!! :blobfoxcomfy:

#catsofmastodon #blackcat #cats

Black cat in a large box
Madame Aronow

Look who decided it was hims turn to be baby :blobfoxheartcute:

#catsofmastodon #cats #fedicats

Siamese cat on a lap with an arm wrapped around him
Madame Aronow

I don’t know why but I love this terribly blurry photo of Baby Pomp :blobfoxcrylaugh:

He looks like he just told a joke and he’s waiting for you to get the punchline :ablobfoxbongo:

#catsofmastodon #mastocats #cats

Blurry photo of a Siamese cat
Madame Aronow

We’re having a melancholy #Monday over here with the rain.

What are you up to?

#sittogether #catsofmastodon

Black cat staring out the glass door at the rain in the yard
Coach (Grampa) Mark

@aronow We've got sunshine for a change. Feels good. We've had a couple of great walks in the books (me and the Woof Crew) and hope to get a third one in before the dogs' dinner.

Jared Parkinson

@aronow ah, rainy days. I can always tell that I have woken up to a day where she didn't get to see all her favorite dinosaurs flying about because she is either trying to be a very tight fluffy circle, or she wants to Nom Nom Nom on me double time.

Black cat resting on a fuzzy brown blanket with storage boxes in the background.
Madame Aronow

Baby Sir made a friend during his travels :blobfoxaww:

#blackcat #mastocats #catsofmastodon

Black cat in a cat bed next to a stuffed Pokémon
Madame Aronow

After not sleeping well for at least a week, I knocked ooooout this afternoon.

The baby #cats are similarly glad to be home :QueerCat:

How’s your day going?


Siamese and black cat sleeping on a couch in the sun
Madame Aronow

Random person: oh, what’s #Mastodon?

Me: *starts eagerly explaining the distributed nature of fediverse*

Random: *eyes immediately glaze over*

Me: *sighs* it’s “better Twitter” :blobfoxcry2:

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@aronow Someone explaining the distributed nature in detail is what made me join in the last 48 hours LOL

I felt that. Seems like ppl that don’t want to know anything about technology end up on big tech social platforms. The rest of us are here. And I think I’m ok with that, to a certain extent.

Madame Aronow

Good morning fedi friends! Please enjoy this ridiculous picture of Baby Sir being too relaxed for life :blobfoxcomfy:

#catsofmastodon #blep #blackcat

Black cat on the back of the couch head kicked back doing a blep
Madame Aronow

Happy #Caturday from Baby Sir :QueerCat:

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and staying warm!

#catsofmastodon #cats

Very relaxed black cat
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