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7 posts total
Linux may kernel panic, but Windows will always update
I have finally relaunched my website after several years with a new blog post to celebrate. Going to be doing more of these in the future, read here:
Some photos by Brian "Wendigo" Hess, documenting when DOOM fans got play QTest with id themselves.

See more here:

I've been working on a @frag-net article about these visits/QuakeCon, I'm so greatful Fedi helped me rediscover this.
Some photos by Brian "Wendigo" Hess, documenting when DOOM fans got play QTest with id themselves.

See more here:
Please repeat so this can get exposure:

There was an old site that hosted a page documenting a moment in 1996 when several at the time professional DOOM players flew/drove to Texas to have a small for fun LAN tourney and then they visited id Software the same or next day. This was when Quake was still in development from what I recall. It's significant not only for e-sports and id Software history, but it also featured many photos of the players (some who have sadly left us) and id Software guys such as Carmack, American, and of course Romero. I believe a popular old photo of American working Quake comes from this set.

I had it bookmarked over a decade ago, and it's been so long I can not remember their names or the site. I believe the site itself wasn't from 1996, but sometime after the event like 99 or early 00s. I'm sorry at how unhelpful that is but I'm hoping someone else knows what I'm talking about for I would love to get it documented properly for the modern age if it isn't already.
Please repeat so this can get exposure:

There was an old site that hosted a page documenting a moment in 1996 when several at the time professional DOOM players flew/drove to Texas to have a small for fun LAN tourney and then they visited id Software the same or next day. This was when Quake was still in development from what I recall. It's significant not only for e-sports and id Software history,...
When the town you live in is built like an amateur Quake/Half-Life map
One year ago was our latest major update to our game, The Wastes.

To be honest with you, I wish we haven't been taking so long on these patches. It seems like every time we release a major patch, something major happens in our lives.

This time it was a collection of burnout, a very personal and difficult loss in my own life, then coupled with the usual responsibilities life throws at you.

Things are finally picking up again, and I'm starting to feel pretty good about 1.4

See you there.
One year ago was our latest major update to our game, The Wastes.

To be honest with you, I wish we haven't been taking so long on these patches. It seems like every time we release a major patch, something major happens in our lives.
I was born the same year as Quake, so when people say Quake is old that means I'm also old...

Happy birthday Quake... *checks notes* shareware!

I joke about having to check which Quake birthday it is, but there are actually 3 original release dates for Quake:

1. The Shareware via FTP on June 22nd
2. The Retail release that was shipped to pre-orders on July 22nd
3. The Retail Shareware release via store shelves (and 7 Eleven I guess) on August 30th


I joke about having to check which Quake birthday it is, but there are actually 3 original release dates for Quake:

1. The Shareware via FTP on June 22nd
2. The Retail release that was shipped to pre-orders on July 22nd
3. The Retail Shareware release via store shelves (and 7 Eleven I guess) on August 30th

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