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Patrick Gillam


Oof. “On the nose” hardly does it justice.

William Canna-bass

@kingu #AltText
"Back | Full & Part Time Jobs Available / Charity & Volunt..(word cut off)
Unpaid Internship as Personal Assistant
City of London, London
Posted 33 min ago
Fight Against Slavery is a Charity based in London.
We working to fight the issues of Human Rights.
At the moment we are looking for a Personal Assistant."

William Canna-bass

@kingu Was this #Advert written by #AI?
Phrases like "We working to fight the issues of human rights"

Eric Alkaest
Le paradoxe d'un gouvernement qui promeut ce genre de propagande tandis que son président "kiffe sa race la bagnole" (bon il l'a pas dit comme ça mais il aurait pu avec ses manières de "populariser" son langage)
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