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4 posts total
Oleg Evseev

Так и не успели проголосовать

Ну и гирлянда, которую включили после закрытия посольства + танцующий на фоне протестных возгласов сотрудник посольства — вишенка на торте, конечно

Oleg Evseev


За 30-40 минут очередь продвинулась лишь от U-Bhf Mohrenstr. до перекрестка в ста метрах 🥲

Oleg Evseev

Ого, очередь прям резво задвигалась, интересно

Oleg Evseev

I'm honestly amazed that I can just throw some set of dichotomies at ChatGPT and ask it to continue in similar vein and come up with a meaningful classification for something.

And then I can ask it to classify something for me (and even provide me the rationale) and ask it to do things «give me example that is similar to X in some aspects but opposite to X in some other particular aspects».

And all of this with a natural language prompt.

Oleg Evseev

I still have limited use for it in my everyday routine (mainly because its ecosystem is very spartan at the moment, and the integrations with the other tools that I use are limited), but it would not be an understatement to say that it is a immensely useful idea/knowledge exploration assistant

Oleg Evseev

It's interesting how in just a year or two I went from “I don't have any interesting ideas for my side projects” to “holy hell, there are like at least 10 ideas that I consider interesting, practical and innovative enough to further dive into”

Oleg Evseev

It'd be wonderful if I also managed to work on them more frequently and consistently

(And wasn't forgetting about writing the dev notes to my blog, too)

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