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Oleg Evseev

I still have limited use for it in my everyday routine (mainly because its ecosystem is very spartan at the moment, and the integrations with the other tools that I use are limited), but it would not be an understatement to say that it is a immensely useful idea/knowledge exploration assistant

Oleg Evseev

Funny that just half a year ago I asked my friends at JetBrains whether or not they'd been considering implementing a natural-language omnibox for performing some common tasks with code (refactoring, object-oriented design prototyping, documentation generation etc.)

Oleg Evseev

@ale Yup, of course I have read about this, that is a killer feature, too!

But I was talking a bit more about dependency-injecting the ChatGPT itself into existing tools, as many of the plugins I see right now do not go far beyond providing the browser pane from accessing the web version and pasting text from selection

(but hey, it seems a possible way to do this could be to do the same thing with an application scripting API!)

Ale berada di Kuala Lumpur!

@olejae There is also chat completion API available now:

But perhaps more interestingly, there's also An example conversation explains it better than I would:

I believe it's not using the Chat API (although I don't see any reason it couldn't) so a bit more susceptible to prompt injection, but otherwise I think it's the most powerful one out there so far.

@olejae There is also chat completion API available now:

But perhaps more interestingly, there's also An example conversation explains it better than I would:

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