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2 posts total
Joscelyn Transpiring

It's official: I have acquired blahaj.

My wife and I went to IKEA to get some things for the new house and this was my first time going to IKEA! So...I was required by law to secure everyone's favorite fish...and ended up getting a big one and a small one... because.

#Trans #TransJoy #Blahaj

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Joscelyn Transpiring

Within 5 minutes of bringing the Blahaj into the house, my metamour's daughter (my meta-niece?) fell in love and ran off with it. Now she's cackling about stealing Joscelyn's sharks and being very adorable. Oh well, I guess it belongs to her now! 😅

...unless, no, I wouldn't steal a plushie from a child would I? ...would I? 🤔


Congrats on your new shorks!!
Welcome to the blahaj gang friend!

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