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Sharkgirl Transpiring

WATCH OUT! BEHIND YOU!!! It’s a bisexual!?!

We’re everywhere! And we look like ordinary people, just blending in…the only way you can tell is if you ask us to sit in a chair as we do not understand how these work. You might also watch out for a heavy use of finger guns and cuffed jeans. Know the signs and be aware of the bisexuals!?!

#BisexualAwareness #BisexualAwarenessWeek

Tanys Foster


"Encountered a wild bisexual!"

"A New Bisexual Approaches!"

"Blue Bisexual needs food badly!"


@tanysfoster @JoscelynTransient

The Bisexual uses Can't Even Sit Straight.

It's super effective!


@JoscelynTransient Watch out if you see them flying this flag! They might be a #bicanthrope!

(Flag made by me)

An illustration featuring two howling wolf silhouettes, one in pink and one in blue, against a background of horizontal stripes in pink, light purple, and blue. A blue heart is located between two pairs of hands that are reaching towards each other.

@JoscelynTransient a bisexual... behind *another* bisexual? how can that be? :blobcatsurprised:

Violet Rose

I used bi as a label for a while. Now I identify as pandemonium.

lunya (cute) :neocat_floof: only reason I use bi and not pan is that I'm too deep with the whole shtick my fedi presence is built around

Mg. Jepyang 🧝‍♀️ :heart_sp_bi:

@JoscelynTransient notice: if you turned around and nobody was there, you might be the bisexual

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@JoscelynTransient I'm sitting in a chair.

We're evolving, you see.

Sharkgirl Transpiring

@drq well yes, but HOW are you sitting in the chair? 😜

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@JoscelynTransient I'll write a tutorial when I get to it (IT life is busy)

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@JoscelynTransient (of course, it's IT, it's always IT, isn't it)

(cue me realizing I gave away one more sign)

Sharkgirl Transpiring

@drq if we learn how to sit in chairs like actual adult people, we will be undetectable! Mwuahahhaaha!

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@JoscelynTransient Yeah. Aside from that "I work with computers" thing.

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