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Nowhere Girl

NASA recovered a space probe's 47-year-old computer with about as much memory as my old Commodore 64 over a distance of 15 billion miles so it can (hopefully) continue to do science work, and it reminds me of how much ingenuity used to go into computers back when the assumption was you couldn't consume the water and electricity of a small nation just to power Ask Jeeves.

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Chapter five in this book is heavily related to the Voyager. I like to drop this link when the Voyager recovers from a malfunction.

oldfartjmb says eh?


I have watched the voyagers with tears in my eyes ever since they launched. These intrepid little craft blow my mind and about bring me to tears every time I think about them. To have circled planets and then proceeded to go where no human has gone before and show us the way. Wow.

They make me so proud to be a human.

Anton Lytvynenko, PhD

@gwynnion actually first computers were quite monstrous, but yes, a number of nonsense significanly rose since that times.

Nowhere Girl

Threads is leveraging Instagram to fast start a massive user base, and while it's still smaller than Twitter, a lot of people will bail on Twitter (and BlueSky, Mastodon, et al.) once they think everybody is on Threads instead. That's the kind of weight these mega-corps have to throw around.

Nowhere Girl

Granted, Threads isn't in Europe because it would run afoul of privacy protections, but they may not care. They may not care about joining the Fediverse ultimately either. They could seriously fracture the Fediverse if they do, however, as people come down on either defederating from its massive user base or trying to glom onto it. Of course, Threads could also fizzle out as Instagram users get bored with it.

Nowhere Girl

Part of the goal of right-wing politics is to exhaust their opposition by rendering the law absurd and democracy seemingly futile, to pull back so much power into their own hands that we have no choice but to resort to extralegal means to stop them.

Because they know most people, most liberals especially, would rather suffer under unjust laws than put themselves on the line by breaking them.

Nowhere Girl

The slow unwinding of the social contract begins by targeting marginalized communities because right-wingers know most people won't stick their necks out to protect them and will rationalize to themselves why it's okay, actually, in the name of maintaining "order."

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