The rain finally made it down to Southern California and there were so many little birds celebrating in my yard. Here’s an almost disturbingly intense little bush tit partying it up 😅 Oh my FUCKING GOD I finished dumping 99.99% of a very old, damaged, backup CDROM that was previously unreadable. It took 3 days and I was super excited to find out what old data I put on it. The disc had UDF sessions, because that was common at the time for just Adding Files to non-rewritable media. So I mount that shit in my Windows 98SE box, and lo and behold, this is all that was on it. I would be absolutely upset if it wasn't so fucking funny
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И мы начинаем. Сегодня продолжаем серию трансляций приключении няшного хронокотика. Blinx The Time Sweeper - сегодня в 20:00 по МСК: @Fire6900 Ecco una descrizione dell'immagine per chi non la può vedere: L'immagine mostra un cartello stradale marrone con la scritta "PASSOGATTO". Sotto il cartello, c'è un cartello di limite di velocità a 50 km/h. Al centro dell'immagine, un gatto tigrato viene sorretto delicatamente da due mani che provengono da due persone diverse. Il gatto appare calmo e sereno. Lo sfondo è leggermente sfocato, ma si intravedono alberi e parte di un paesaggio rurale. > Внешний вид станда ДИО напоминает экипировку дайвера Ай да Араки, ай да хитрая жожопа! The email as analogy for fedi doesnt work on people who aren't intimately familiar w email infrastructure @vriska the average normie would think "I have to wait a week for a response? Well that's no good"
@debby @RadioAzureus check this out #tech
@debby what's even more important is to strenghten #alternatives like @fdroidorg and to support those alongside them.
- Also @EUCommission is responsible for killing #AndroidPit & #AppBrain as domestic competitiors with bureaucratic bs like "per #EU #member #VAT payments" under the guise of combatting 'tax dodging'...
caveat: I'm boosting and commenting as solidarity. im signing this and you should too. however:
I think this is a drop of water in the ocean tbh. im basically fully open source with linneage os. the only proprietary app I run is discord (and Waze). there's open source alternatives to these apps but like.. 🤷 I'm lazy.
I think we should continue to develop the open source repository of android apps. also we can probably trick Google lol