- Умри, чудовище! Тебе не место в этом мире! Sometimes all you can say is 'fuck'. https://www.effinbirds.com/collections/fuck-pelican-collection @effinbirds I love the use of a pelican here to avoid the confusion a duck would cause Про Троецарствие я не забыл. Просто домохозяйство требует ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL. Если я позволю накопиться грязному белью/посуде, то в один прекрасный день наступит CRITICAL MISSION FAILURE, и тогда We'll (not) bang, okay? С днём #N7, крч гвря. I put a version of this elsewhere. The idea is not mine, but the expression is. What is a #billionaire? Here I don't mean the definition. I mean more "what kind of person is a billionaire?" There's a simple #MentalExercise you can do to figure out what kind of person a billionaire is. Someone hands you a million dollars. You *must* spend it today. All of it. On yourself; no charity. Could you do it? Of course you could! Anybody could spend a million dollars in a day! 🧵 (1/n) Most people either have a mortgage they'd like to pay off (or they rent and would rather own). A million bucks is a nice chunk of a mortgage (or a nice down payment). A fancy car. A nice wardrobe. Cool hobby gear. The list is endless. Anybody could imagine spending a million bucks in a day. Next day you're facing the same person and they give you a million. Same rules. Spend it on yourself in a day. Could you do it? Of course you could! Easy peasy! Loads of things left! 🧵 (2/n) Billionaires do not spend money on things, they spend it on power. До сих пор мне кажется крайне забавным, что в "Дюне" Вильнева роль Дункана "Я не собираюсь быть племенным жеребцом" Айдахо сыграл Джейсон "Племенной жеребец из Игры престолов" Момоа. @th3rdsergeevich А тем временем Кавахара вместо того чтобы раскрыть то, как на мир повлияло такое незначительно событие как ПОЯВЛЕНИЕ AGI НАХУЙ, пишет про майнкрафт в метавселенной. にゃんぷっぷー刺繍、しばらく触れてなかったけど新しいやつができました! |