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Johannes Ernst

According to the #Bluesky CEO quoted in the Verge, this is how they are better than the #Fediverse:

"We’ve designed a protocol that has three big things we think are missing from the Mastodon ecosystem: account portability, global discoverability, [and] composable, customizable curation and moderation.”

What can we do about this here?


@J12t BlueSky is 100% better than the Fediverse in those regards. However, at least for account portability, Mastodon, since it's the largest Fedi implementation right now could try something like Hubzilla's "Nomadic Identity".


Johannes Ernst

"Musk thought he could save Twitter, but it turns out he may have saved the idea of an open social internet instead. When Musk spent $44 billion to acquire Twitter and then systematically destroyed everything people loved about the platform, users went looking for something better."

I'm really liking this piece! Except that I cannot find the author, David Pierce, in the Fediverse!

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@J12t I'm amazed how good this article actually is. They got perspectives from people as interesting as @manton, @arcalinea, @cwebber all in one article. And David Pierce actually understands what he's talking about.


@J12t that’s because it has no legit search function, which many people feel makes it far less useful than other platforms

Johannes Ernst

Strong statement from @mike at Flipboard for the Verge:

"ActivityPub is as big a deal as HTML was back then. This is the single biggest opportunity I’ve seen for the web since the dawn of the web."

Johannes Ernst

"... there’s a growing set of people who will tell you the future isn’t #Mastodon but what it represents: a scaled #ActivityPub-based social platform." Indeed, nicely stated by The Verge.

Ed Howland

@J12t there's an interesting idea, that is not unique to this article, that I've heard elsewhere: your social activity graph follows you around from app to app when using activity pub. It's like the email protocol. Your contacts an email follow you around regardless of which provider you use. They never constrained inside of a walled garden. #activitypub #fedeverse

Daniel Harrison :verified:

@J12t Great article. There is a lot to be said about giving "control back to users, making sure that the social web is bigger than any single company."

Johannes Ernst

I'm increasingly getting the feeling that one of these days I need to reactivate LID -- Light-Weight Digital Identity -- my entry into #identity and #iiw created more or less by accident in 2004. Then folded into the larger #OpenID movement. Some of its more interesting features were adopted by other identity protocols over time, but some others are still unique and would be very useful now that the decentralized, user-owned, social web is waking back up.

Johannes Ernst

Swedish #public #radio is leaving Twitter. Is there an organization / company that helps news organizations set up shop in the #fediverse? If there isn’t, there should be one, no?

Johannes Ernst

Which #fediverse apps consume nodeinfo data and what do they do with it?

wakest ⁂

@J12t fedidb and the-federation both do. do you mean other then those type of statistics apps?

Johannes Ernst

Hey @mike, what's the best doc to learn about "Magic Auth"?

Johannes Ernst

Rather interesting interview on the #Fediverse, #ActivityPub and related subjects with @mike from 5 years ago. You may agree or disagree with some of the points he makes, but very much recommended reading.


@J12t @mike Super interesting stuff! And a *lot* of good historical context

Matthew Miller :donor:

@J12t Was I responsible for any of that? In any case I'm glad to see some fellow #IIW attendees on the fediverse 😛

Johannes Ernst

Ran a session on user-centric identity and the #fediverse at #iiw today. Lots of problems that could be solved more nicely than they are in the fediverse today. But lots of work, some technical, most community building.

Johannes Ernst

At the #iiw opening circle, this is the 36th unconference on identity. Been a long time since the first back in Berkeley. The community is as strong as ever.

Jon Udell

@J12t I only get there sometimes, as an observer more than participant, but it always makes me happy to know that this wonderful tradition continues. ❤️

Johannes Ernst

Sci-fi plot: first contact on a planet where the intelligent species used up all fossil fuels, thereby melting all the ice, which flooded all the continents, and only a few mongrel species remain living happily on a floating continent formed from the great pacific garbage patch.

Johannes Ernst

Apparently there is (another) block chain for user-controlled #identity problems. Should I spend the time to find out more?

Downes 🍁

@J12t I like the post. Did you use a tool to create the diagrams, or are they handmade?

Aswath Rao

I don't follow why do we need SSO or a Mobilizon to RSVP? Today, we are able to comment, like or boost wo either of them.

Johannes Ernst

A spectrum for how communities interact: 1) caring 2) collaborative 3) cordial 4) competitive 5) combative. This is an interesting categorization.

Johannes Ernst

… and I wonder what happens to communities that use online tools that inject “adversarial” advertising. Can you continue to be a caring community if every 5th post is an ad you hate?

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