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Johannes Ernst

"... there’s a growing set of people who will tell you the future isn’t #Mastodon but what it represents: a scaled #ActivityPub-based social platform." Indeed, nicely stated by The Verge.

Ed Howland

@J12t there's an interesting idea, that is not unique to this article, that I've heard elsewhere: your social activity graph follows you around from app to app when using activity pub. It's like the email protocol. Your contacts an email follow you around regardless of which provider you use. They never constrained inside of a walled garden. #activitypub #fedeverse

Johannes Ernst

@edhowland Portable social graph as an idea has been around for long time, arguably before non-portable social graph. For example, there used to be FOAF (friend-of-a-friend) files on personal blogs.

Ed Howland

@J12t that is very interesting. I had never heard of these friend of friend files on blogs. Do you know of any academic research papers on the subject?

Daniel Harrison :verified:

@J12t Great article. There is a lot to be said about giving "control back to users, making sure that the social web is bigger than any single company."

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