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Johannes Ernst

Hey @jamesmarshall, do you have a link to the app you are building? For the notes, in case people are interested.

James M.

@J12t thanks for asking! No, sorry, I haven't released it yet (need to do some things first), but anyone who is interested can contact me here or at . You're welcome to put my addresses in the FediForum notes.

Happy to discuss the app, answer any questions, let people test it, collaborate, etc. Hit me up!

Johannes Ernst

Noticing that several attendees have the same Fediverse handle as e-mail address.

I don't, but I really want to. That seems much more sensible than having different handles.

It also opens up reallllllyyyy interesting use cases, such as: send message via ActivityPub if possible, fall back to e-mail.

Johannes Ernst

Also noticing that although was about the , and all the people there understand handles, so many session notes written by a variety of people have instead of

So if the early adopters/experts have difficulty with this syntax, do we have any hope that the general public will be able to differentiate fediverse handles and addresses, and use them consistently?

I think they simply have to become the same over time.

Johannes Ernst

One of the bad things about fediverse handles is that if you put them on a web page, they are not immediately clickable. And even the convention -> is a Mastodon-only convention I believe; really needs a Webfinger lookup to resolve to something a browser can open.

What if browsers started handling the acct: scheme by doing the Webfinger lookup?



Considering is going all in on , this might start there, or it might only work on their instance.


@J12t my mastodon app made that handle tapable, except for the initial @, and tapping it tried to send an email. This sort of thing makes me think decent handling of handles is far beyond the horizon

Even if a browser (or any app that has occasion to interpret handles) could resolve accounts correctly, linking to the web page on their fediverse host inherits the problem of preventing you from interacting with it through your own account.

Johannes Ernst

"We should create a code of conduct for monetizing content. Is there a need for collecting “best practices”?" -- from notes in a session at -- in the process of putting them online.

Michael Downey 🇺🇳

@J12t Would that include charging registration fees for a fediverse unconference?

Johannes Ernst

"Certificate key usage inadequate for attempted operation." What fresh hell is this?

Johannes Ernst

... and the answer is apparently: Firefox shot itself into its certificate cache file. rm -rf ~/.firefox ~/.cache/firefox fixes it.

Johannes Ernst

"Clearview AI scraped 30 billion images from Facebook and other social media sites and gave them to cops: it puts everyone into a 'perpetual police line-up'"

Johannes Ernst

@kristinHenry @jaz that’s what I guessed. Interpersonal emotionally-charged conflict is a faster discharger of human batteries than any other I know. And not even many of the people who want the fediverse to be a “nice” place are self conscious and empathic enough to avoid helping to discharge others’ batteries. Well, I am looking forward to learn what the fediverse “stable state” will be some time down the road on this issue. In the meantime, my respect to all moderators!

Kristin ( Admin)

@J12t @jaz Oh! and the crushing sense of responsibility amid chaos.

Johannes Ernst

"33% of [Mastodon] mods/admins have experienced burnout". From a survey conducted by @jaz per session notes (which will go on-line shortly. As I'm reviewing, I came across this nugget, and it is shocking!!).


@J12t It really shouldn't be surprising, honestly.

I've been part of building Internet communities for over 20 years and one of the single biggest points of advice I give is to take the workload seriously.

Kristin ( Admin)

@J12t @jaz I'm guessing it's even higher than that. Not all of us got through the survey on time.

[Scott]$ :idle:

@J12t @jaz

Have the notes gone up? Missed the session. Mainly curious as to how the survey question was contextualized. For example was "experiencing burnout" primarily attributed to moderating or the general, ever present burnout from the last few years, including dealing with things like major layoffs across the tech sector

Johannes Ernst

... annnd here is the first lawsuit against the new California Privacy Protection Agency. case number 2023-80004106

Johannes Ernst

Support: "Help me out with the issue please." Me: "I'm here so you help me with the issue, not the other way around."

I don't even know what to say here ...

Johannes Ernst

Which subjects lends themselves to unconferences and which don't? When we conceived of (an unconference for the ) it wasn't obvious that it was going to work. But it did! We got some marvelous feedback from last week's attendees.

Somebody suggested that there should be an for responsible . Which also sounds intriguing. But ...

I wonder whether successful unconferences work when there is a clear "commons". But not when there isn't, like currently in AI.


@J12t maybe talk to as he is doing the same subjects but as real life, might be overlap, you guys are on the same paths.

Many Core Forth Processor

This conference worked for me, because it is a new information ecosystem, and I was quite lost, so it was great to be exposed to a random number of different ideas. It took me two days after the conference to sort out my thinking on these matter.

My next release should be soon, and much more relevant to the fediverse.

Johannes Ernst

“The very idea that many of humanity's smartest are calling for [a ] 'research-pause' - and actually believing (without a single historical example) that it could work - is strong evidence that human intelligence, even at the very top, might need some external augmentation!” David Brin’s take, as always, is excellent.

Johannes Ernst

"The architecture of the Fediverse -- network, apps and people". Sunday afternoon blogging.

Would love your thoughts.

Johannes Ernst

Historical rates of serious crime (homicide). From Freakonomics.

Aswath Rao

Any analysis on the catalyst that triggers drastic reduction though at diff times? Industrial economy? Ease of economic mobility? Something else?

Johannes Ernst

Lunch, yesterday. Top of monument peak above Fremont in California, viewing Silicon Valley.

Johannes Ernst

Also, keep your water off the road when it’s raining. This rut probably came from record California rainfalls this season and is about 4 ft deep.

Johannes Ernst

Silicon Valley, whatever else you may think of it, can be extraordinarily beautiful in the spring when everything is green and blooming.

Kat M. Moss

@J12t The place is beautiful, though I think lots of us have known that for a while now.

Johannes Ernst

California wildflowers, from a hike in the Bay Area hills yesterday.

Johannes Ernst

California wildflowers, from a hike in the Bay Area hills yesterday.

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