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Johannes Ernst

One of the bad things about fediverse handles is that if you put them on a web page, they are not immediately clickable. And even the convention -> is a Mastodon-only convention I believe; really needs a Webfinger lookup to resolve to something a browser can open.

What if browsers started handling the acct: scheme by doing the Webfinger lookup?



Considering is going all in on , this might start there, or it might only work on their instance.

Johannes Ernst

@zbecker I want to see that " going all in on " before I believe it :-) Mozilla has been doing lots of things over many year almost all of which were canceled not long after big announcements. Mobile phone OS. Digital identity. IoT. etc etc. Certainly they would have a great opportunity there, but are they able to execute on it?


@J12t I agree. They will only go all in on fediverse if it takes off which I believe it will.

At the end of the day is hurting for funds. Just look at the integration or the fact that pays to be their default search engine.

What they can prioritize really depends on funds, and the good stuff always leaves. Just look at and .


@J12t @zbecker Agreed, and with all of those projects, it would have actually have been great had Mozilla stuck with them.


@J12t my mastodon app made that handle tapable, except for the initial @, and tapping it tried to send an email. This sort of thing makes me think decent handling of handles is far beyond the horizon

Even if a browser (or any app that has occasion to interpret handles) could resolve accounts correctly, linking to the web page on their fediverse host inherits the problem of preventing you from interacting with it through your own account.

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